Small Business Marketing - Three Tips To Infuse More Style Into Your Marketing Strategies
"The Bold and the Beautiful" isn't just the name of a daytime television show. It also describes how you must put your personality to work if you want to grow your business into six and seven figures.
Take a look at the superstar women entrepreneurs in your industry and you'll see what I mean. They aren't wall flowers when it comes to flaunting their quirky personalities' strengths in their marketing strategies.
In fact, these women entrepreneurs have cleverly discovered that by shining a spotlight on their innate characteristics they put their business in the spotlight...and reap the rewards.
So how does the woman business owner know which parts of her complex personality will help create winning impact marketing? What if she chooses the wrong parts and ends up looking foolish?
That's where the Branding with Archetypes system comes in. Once you have discovered your business archetype (which a Branding with Archetypes ten-minute assessment helps you easily do) you start to see how traits you've possessed all along are now an important part of your marketing strategies.
Let's look at woman business owner, Helen, for example. Before Branding with Archetypes, Helen knew she had a quirky sense of humor and a cheerfully contrary way of looking at things. But she thought those traits were faults that needed to be hidden away in favor of being "business like."
Sure, right...uh huh...
Problem was that by hiding away her authentic nature, Helen was also hiding her gifts, talents and the opportunity to build a money-and-soul-style business. In short, she was hiding away a vital part of her soul.
Her business was practically nonexistent. (No wonder, since if SHE wasn't showing up in her business, how could she expect her clients to?!)
Helen wasn't surprised to discover that her archetype was the Wise Jester. After learning this she realized she had a talent for writing marketing copy that was infused with humor and that created a sense of camaraderie with her reader.
Not long after these discoveries she started her web-based copy writing business, dubbing it Cracker Jack Websites. (Now, doesn't that name say "Get it done and make it fun!" to you?!)
Helen specializes in soft-topic copy writing preferred by coaches, holistic practitioners and other from-the-heart business owners. Her business is booming and she's having fun. Her clients are relieved to find someone who can write from the heart without being hard sell.
Even if you don't know which archetype you are in your business, you can start to infuse more personality and style into your marketing strategies. Here are three simple tips to get started now:
#1. What part of your personality do you most often try to hide? Quirky sense of humor? Maybe your love of risky sports like hang-gliding over mountain peaks? Or you're known for being bold and ahead of the pack. Or perhaps you secretly channel spirit guides but fear your corporate clients will find out.
Whatever personality trait you possess that got you in trouble when you were a kid in school is probably precisely the one that needs to show up as a key branding component in your impact marketing.
#2. Brainstorm a list of words and phrases that represent that personality trait. Remember, "tame is lame" so go for words and phrases that may feel outlandish or outrageous.
#3. Cut loose and let your personality show in your next email, newsletter, web page sales letter or flyer.
Now, now, don't gulp. This is actually pretty easy once you give yourself permission to cut loose a little. A little goes a long way so you won't have to do too much to have your personality really stand out.
The basics of marketing a small business are pretty simple to figure out but it takes a bold and beautiful soul to reach deep within and let the innermost being speak through in her marketing!
Would you like to learn more simple ways women entrepreneurs can get organized and quickly move away from "dollars-for-hours work" and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar "7 Quick and Simple Tips to Brand, Package and Price Your Services for More Money, Time and Freedom in Your Business.'
Award-winning small business expert Kendall SummerHawk is the "Horse Whisperer for Business."
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