Bum Squidoo

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Increasing Your Website Traffic - Three Keys to Identifying Quality Link Placements

The success of your Internet based business enterprise depends significantly on the volume of traffic that you can generate into your site on a regular basis. There are a number of important tactics that you can employ in order to increase inbound website traffic. Towards this objective, there are three keys to identifying quality link placements as part of an overall link building - website traffic development campaign.

The first key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is locating and identifying other websites that market products or services that are compatible to your own. By compatible it is meant you find to find sites that market a product or service that "goes along" with what you are selling or promoting yourself. For example, if you are in the shoe business, you will want to find compatible sites that sell socks ... and so forth.

The next key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is to make sure you avoid so-called link farms. These are website that exist merely to provide links to other sites. In this day and age, a consumer that lands on such a site will click away almost immediately.

The final key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is to strive to limit the number of reciprocal links that you offer. In other words, as much as possible, you want to try to get a backlink to your site place somewhere without having a reciprocal link placed on your own site. You want to limit the ability of people visiting your site clicking off somewhere else.

Do you want to learn how to drive massive traffic to your website? Download my free guide here: Traffic Generation Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing. http://www.secretstointernetprofits.com


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