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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Best Article Marketing - Discover 6 Ways to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is currently the most sought-after marketing technique in the internet today because it makes traffic generation a lot easier for most webmasters. All you need to do is write and submit articles to publishing sites and you can instantly create numerous inbound links for your website. It's that easy!

1. Be the first to write about time-sensitive information. Always be on the look out for scoops or latest news that have direct impact on your target niche and be the first one to report about it. Usually, the first person who writes about the hottest topics is the one who gets most of online exposure.

2. Be entertaining. Most online users get easily bored when reading articles on their computer monitor. Make your articles lively and upbeat so you can entertain them while educating them. Insert some jokes and funny quotes whenever appropriate.

3. Be trustworthy. Establish your expertise on your field and always check your content to make sure that they are all factual. It is through these ways that you can entice online users to trust you, listen to your opinion, and subsequently take your recommendations.

4. Make your articles informative. People read articles for one major good reason: to be informed. Make your articles "meaty" by including enough data and information that are deemed useful and important to your target market.

5. Your articles must be of high-quality. You would like online users to think that you are an expert on your field and a great writer after they read your article, wouldn't you? Make sure that all your articles are well-written and content-rich before you post them online.

6. Know your readers. To make sure that your content is highly targeted to your potential clients, you need to know your readers very well. Take into consideration their preferred writing style, their language, the information they need, their wants, educational background, etc. when writing your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Latest 3 Persuasive Steps to Excel At Article Marketing

Article writers cannot be more in-demand these days. With millions of webmasters constantly seeking for articles that they can use in their article marketing campaigns, they can indeed keep millions of article writers busy for a while. With it's proven ability to generate traffic and communicate the webmaster's knowledge and abilities, article marketing is fast becoming the most sought-after traffic-generating tool.

Here are the latest 3 persuasive steps to excel in article marketing:

1. Determine the use of your articles. Article marketing isn't just about submitting your articles to publishing sites. It also pertains to the distribution of your written materials in the internet using other different avenues. Thus, in writing your articles, you have to determine its usage. Are you going post them on publishing sites, on your blogs, on your website or perhaps you'll send them through e-mail marketing. In doing so, you can effectively plan the elements that you will incorporate and other add-ons that you will strike out. You would not want to use your articles with resource box on your own website, do you?

2. Be specific. Explain your ideas by giving concrete examples and specific information. For instance, if you would like to teach your readers on how to make money online, cite specific methods like blogging, article writing, and affiliate marketing, instead of telling them to google search certain terms to get the information they want. If you already have the information, why not just give it upfront? It will not only help your readers but it can also be your effective way of getting your potential audience's trust.

3. Be original. Don't be just another writer. Be different by exhibiting a new level of creativeness in your articles. Develop unique methods that can easily be associated with you so you can make a huge mark online.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How Surfers Will Find Your Articles Buried In Those Millions Of Competing Web Pages?

If you are marketing online for more than two months, you may already know that content is king. It's the heart of the world wide web. More and more people write on their websites and blogs. The new web 2.0 is the cause of even more content because users don't even need a website to write what they think.

You may wonder how surfers will find your articles with billions of competing web pages?

Don't worry, if you write interesting articles, "la creme de la creme", you work will be noticed and your public will read whatever you write. Why? Simply because there are not a lot of real experts on the web.

If you are an expert in your subject, start writing immediately and submit those articles to directories. It can be a daunting task to submit to ten directories every single day, but you can use an article submission software like articlesubmitter.com or articlepostrobots.com.

If you are too busy to use these tools, you can handle the work to isnare.com or article marketer. Your articles will spread over the Internet like windfire. I don't recommend the two services above anymore (although I used them in the past) for two reasons.

Reason 1. They don't submit to the best directories. In fact, they will distribute your articles to hundreds of sites, but not to the big free article directories. You will still need to do this yourself.

Reason 2. Many of your articles will disappear in the supplemental results (in a nutshell, it's Google quarantine) after a few months.

Are you ready to write these articles and make more money?

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Buying Articles for the Web

Offering free content on yours or others business Web site is a crucial part of Internet marketing. In fact, thats how Internet marketing got started, which is why everyone wants and expects something for nothing on the World Wide Web. Theyve always been getting it.

The public has come to expect Internet information to be free, and those most-often searched keywords are what will take consumers to your Web site. Once youve determined the most visited keywords in your industry, youll want to write or find articles that incorporate them.

If youre not a good writer, or you dont have the time it takes to write articles, you can use the articles of others. You can offer local writers or industry experts to contribute articles in return for their bio which gives their own site and business credibility, branding and traffic. Or you can buy articles from people you dont know. One way of doing this is through an article membership site. Here youll find articles on just about any subject, with new ones added all the time.

There are many sites that offer articles and memberships to help your Internet marketing. The catch, however, is that each invariably limits its membership ranks so that the Internet marketing articles dont get published too often. You may have to do some searching, or some waiting, to get a membership in the Internet marketing article membership site of your choice.

Once you are a member and you find the articles you want to publish your Internet marketing work is not done, however, You have to do some rewriting, making it not only fresh and unique to your site, but also giving it a little tweak so it talks directly about your industry, and, if possible, about your products or services.

You may find an article or articles that particular fit your Web site and your business but the keywords you need arent found that densely in the article. So youll need to do that. Thats fairly easy to do, and far easier than sitting down and writing your own article.

Never take an article from an article membership site and publish it verbatim. This is destructive to your Internet marketing concept. You want to make it yours your voice, your personality and your products. You might even find a lengthy article that you could use as a tease, publishing the first part and then offering the conclusion next week. You might also publish a newsletter a great Internet marketing tool. You start the article in the newsletter and refer readers to your site for the conclusion.

Whatever you do, make it yours. Your Internet marketing will succeed as a result.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Leonard invites you to submit your articles to Moxie-Drive Expressions, the most exclusive, hand edited internet marketing article directory on the web today. Or just visit and enjoy a good read!

Article Marketing - My Insider Secrets To Getting Explosive Traffic From Articles

You do get a lot of traffic initially when your article is posted on directories, but the key to long-term traffic is to use the right keywords in your articles.

The visitor rate per article won't be as hot after a while, but with 500 articles or a few thousand articles, it won't be a big deal because some of your articles will get traffic from the search engines, and also from the search bar in the article directory itself, if you've done some good keyword optimization in your title, article keywords, description and actual article content.

You do want to get out as many articles as you initially, then once your traffic has become stable, add in articles occasionally.

You can also submit your articles to other article directories. If you haven't used article submission services before, you can add that to the mix. That's one more way of leveraging your articles.

You can also use your articles as press releases, and even for classified ads. I haven't seen many people post articles on classified ads. Your article will stand out as a powerful advertorial amongst the sea of hard-selling ads.

Personally I prefer writing the articles myself, it can be hard to find a writer whose writing style matches the brand of your business. You can, however, find some good writers on sites like Elance and Get A Freelancer. Simply hire a good one to do your projects for the long-term if you are not interested in writing them.

Those are just some tips for getting leads and sales from articles. Do keep them in your mind as you go about your daily marketing activities. Quantity and quality equals power. There is no black or white.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets - The Complete Guide To Getting Started

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still signing up for various email lists looking for that magic pill that will make you successful with internet marketing? Stop it right now as nothing like that exists.

You may be buying ebook after ebook attempting different methods before moving on to the next. In the end you only end up confusing yourself. Basically, what I suggest is that you pick one method and take massive action. It is as simple as that. After reading that statement you may be wondering if it really can be.

I am going to go through a technique that is working for me and at the same time is working for most other top internet marketers that I know. It is called the two page website. You may be wondering if you have to build a large complicated website to earn money online. Now why do you want to make your life very complicated?

This is the method that I suggest you start using and it is completely free. Choose a niche market, the narrower the niche market the higher your profits will be. Design a squeeze page which will be a headline and some bullet points to download a free report in exchange for the visitor's email address that will be added to your autoresponder.

Now start writing articles and focus on your niche market and start submitting them to the article directories. Include a link to your squeeze page in your bio. Follow up with your prospects using your autoresponder promoting products related to your niche market.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.