Bum Squidoo

Friday, May 16, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Authentic Secrets

If you are looking for the best marketing tool that can virtually do it all - drive quality traffic to your website, pull up your search engine ranking, establish your expertise on your chosen niche, build a trusting and fruitful relationship with your potential clients, augment your sales potential, and ultimately, bring you enormous profits, article marketing is just right for you. This is the process of writing and submitting articles to publishing sites to gain quality inbound links for your website and impart your specialized knowledge to online users.

Here are the 3 authentic secrets to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Topics. In choosing your topics, you have to make sure that they are relevant to your target market and highly related to the products that you are promoting. This is to effectively educate your potential clients while building up your products all at the same time.

2. Titles. This is one of the few elements that can either make or break your article marketing campaign. You see, when people go online and search for information they need, they are usually presented with numerous articles. To make sure that they will click on your articles, you need to create titles that are striking and attention-grabbing. Once you were able to convince online users to check on your content, you virtually won half the battle of converting your readers to potential clients.

3. Content. Online users will click on your resource box if they find your content useful, relevant, and well-written. This signals them that you are actually good on what you do and that you have information that they need. This will compel them to check on your website for further reading and might consider doing business with you in the long run.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Using Articles to Target Your Market

Developing a niche market for your online sales business is dependant on many variables that should all work in conjunction to promote your product or service. Providing keyword-rich, search engine optimized (SEO) articles for your niche market offers a diverse and interesting method of product promotion.

A well constructed article should provide both clarity and credibility to your niche market product. By presenting your visitors with a clearly defined, knowledgeable article you not only get the advantage of subtle promotion for your product or service, your expertise will be positively evaluated.

An article that is nothing more than thinly disguised sales copy can often have a detrimental affect on its readers. Articles for your niche market should never be written solely for self-serving promotion. Keep affiliate links to a minimum; as a matter of fact, all links should be provided in the resource box at the end of the article.

Capturing and holding a readers attention should be the primary goal of any article you post to your web pages. An article that provides information on how to accomplish a particular task or one that outlines the advantages of your particular niche product will not only entice your readers to remain on your site, it will also afford them the opportunity to gain knowledge relative to your particular product or service.

Using a professionally written, knowledgeable article to target your niche market can provide a subtle, yet extremely effective tool for driving traffic to your site and, more importantly, keep them there. By providing tangible information to your visitors including references, quotes and relative links, you accomplish two very effective marketing goals your product or service is positively promoted and your reputation is enhanced.

Articles must be one hundred percent original. Surfers and search engines alike are quick to spot plagiarized content. This not only detracts from your professional image, it may also result in your site being banned from the more popular search engines. Either way, your integrity (and consequently that of your product or service) and your sales will be compromised.

Articles should always be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. Sentence structure and style should be perfect. Information parlayed through article writing must be clearly defined and easy to read. A well constructed, professional article provides your reader with interesting, original content they can relate to.

An article used to promote your niche market endeavor should be designed to enhance your readers intelligence. Therefore, you should never talk down or preach to your readers. Product relativity and marketability should be of the utmost concern, so all articles used to promote your niche market should be designed to address current market trends.

Using articles to target your niche market is a smart, economical method of promoting your specialty product. Well researched and creatively written articles provide excellent, ethical and relevant content to your niche marketing site.

Dr. Richard Norris has been creating residual streams of income through network marketing, affiliate programs and the creation of information products for several years. If you are interested in learning how to build a highly effective system for internet marketing success, from product selection/creation to trageting traffic ready to buy, visit http://gnr2.smmsite.com

5 Steps To Success in Network Marketing

Automated systems work well if your product is digital and costs less than $99. The seller will attain better results when the sales page is formulated with a personalized video explaining the product and showing proof of training resources, or the product or their earnings. But what if you are selling a higher end network marketing product ... what are some of the best steps to take to build enough trust or reasons for a buyer to purchase the product sight unseen?

Here Are My 5 Top Tips:

1. Building A Web Presence

It is necessary to have a web presence to market your product. The latest web 2.0 techniques covering the umbrella of social book marking sites, like blogs and video lure search engine spiders like flies to a web. The latest marketing techniques level the paying field, making it no longer necessary to have a huge advertising budget to have your website ranked high in the search engines. Utilizing a selection of varied marketing methods on a regular basis will attract traffic to your website.

2. Building relationships

Showing your face, recording your voice and adding testimonials to your site all increase the connection between you and your web visitors. Your new clients should feel as if they know you and can trust you and can contact you at any time without feeling like they are a burden to you.

3. Giving advice

Writing articles with useful materials will result in increased free traffic to your website and will establish you as an authority in your niche. Offering free reports, free downloads and adding web content will keep the internet seekers coming back to your site.

4. Adding Bonuses

Using competitions and time sensitive bonuses will add to the sense of urgency. Seekers will become buyers if they have a reason to purchase today. The one time offer strategy has become a huge success with internet marketers.

5. Care after the sale

Once the sale is done, many marketers feel that their job is over, in reality this is the most important aspect to any sale. Taking time to market and establish rapport with a client only to drop them after the purchase will lead to discontented members and complaints. Establishing a regimen of regular contact and training is essential for the success of your business and growth of your down-line.

Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations Best Business Opportunity website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for a powerful free report.

How To Promote A Work At Home Business On Craig's List

Have you heard of Craig's list? Most people have but did not know that you can promote a work at home business on it. Niche marketing is the best approach to take when it comes to promoting your business on Craig's list.

Craig's List is one of the most viable free traffic sources available online. There are many marketing opportunities on Craig's List if you do it right.

You don't want to do it if you haven't learned how because you will end up wasting a lot of time and you won't have any success with it. It is very important that you learn how to promote a work at home business on Craig's List before you attempt it.

Here are a view free niche marketing options Craig's list offers. These are some of the areas that you will find on this site. The marketing is different for each area so you need to know how to do each one without breaking any of the Craig's List agreement. This will help you get started learning how to promote a work at home business on Craig's List.

Community: You want to go to the general category and offer a free promotional act typically, or a free report. Anything goes in this category. Don't mention anything about a fee or display a fee anywhere because it will be flagged fast. You want to follow this rule no matter what area you promote in.

Discussion forums: There are 72 active discussion forums for a variety of different topics and they are worldwide.

For Sale: You can place free classified ads that will go out to thousands of people that are interested in what you have for sale and it reaches worldwide. There are focused niche categories that you can use to promote your products.

Services: This is an area where you can promote your services for free if you're an independent businessperson.

These are some of the most popular areas to promote your business with niche marketing. One thing you need to know is that you have to post a lot of ads and rotate them regularly because Craig's List does have a duplication flag.

It won't let you post the same message in more than one location or at one time. So you will need to write different ads for different categories. It will take time but it will be well worth the effort.

Niche marketing on Craig's List can be very profitable if you do it right. However, it can also be very time consuming so you may want to consider outsourcing if you can.

So now that you know how to promote a work at home business on Craig's List you can start slowly until you get some experience with it. You can expand your marketing efforts when you know more about it.

Jake Kennedy offers this useful advice when it comes to working at home online. The internet is full of work at home ideas but be cautious about what you join. At first it is a good idea to learn more about the internet marketing resources and tools available to you. Only then should you start a home based business of your own.

SEO copywriting - Single Keyword Versus Keyword Phrase

As a rule of thumb, it's easier and more effective to target keyword phrases than single keywords in your SEO web copy. Why? Because:

  1. The more specific the keyword, the fewer websites there will be targeting it. This means you'll move up the rankings faster, and you'll find it easier to achieve a high ranking.
  2. The search results for the more generic keywords tend to be dominated by the big multinationals. E.g. Search for computers and youll see there are nearly 200 million results and the top rankings are dominated by the Apples and Dells.
  3. Internet users are learning that by searching for more specific strings, they find the information they want quicker (I read a report on this recently, with real statistics and everything! Can't seem to find it right now. If anyone can cite something useful in this regard, it'd be much appreciated).
  4. Customers tend to use generic keywords in early searches (e.g. during their initial research) and more specific keywords in later searches (e.g. when they know what they want to buy and they're looking for someone to buy it from). So by targeting a more specific keyword, you'll attract more qualified traffic.

Unless you dominate your domain and you have a global presence, you're better of going with a specific keyword phrase. For example, when it comes time to write your SEO web copy and meta tags:

  • target "cheap second hand computers" instead of "computers"
  • target "tax accountant Sydney" instead of "accountant"
  • target "thai restaurant delivery" instead of "restaurant"
  • target "small blue widgets" instead of "widgets"
  • target "direct response copywriter sydney" instead of "copywriter"

TIP: If you really want or need to target a generic keyword, start out targeting a very specific keyword phrase that includes the more generic hotly contested single keyword. For example, youll notice that the keyword phrase above, cheap second hand computers includes the single keyword computers. This way, youre really targeting both at once. As your sites importance (or PageRank) and search engine presence increases, youll start to rank for the single word as well. In time, youll start ranking well for computers even though youre only actively targeting cheap second hand computers.

* Glenn Murray is an SEO copywriter and article submission and article PR specialist. He is a director of article PR company, Article PR, and also of copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at glenn@divinewrite.com. Visit DivineWrite.com or ArticlePR.com for further details, more FREE articles, or to download his FREE SEO e-book.

Article Submission Secrets - 4 Things to Never Ever Do in the Resource Box of Your Articles

Here are 4 things to never ever do in your article resource box.

1. Don't put your phone number in there, and don't put your email address in there. If they want to contact you, get them back to your website or your blog, where they can email you or contact you.

2. The second thing not to do - and this sounds crazy, folks, but I've read articles where they've written about let's say gardening, and the resource box has invited them back to their race car site. I'm making up those categories, but the examples were as disparate as that. That makes no sense at all. Don't do that.

3. The other thing I've seen people do is put in what I call diverse domains in their resource box. You're allowed three active links back to your website or blog. If you've got multiple niches, fine, if you can handle them all. I've found over the last couple years that my business grew as I narrowed from multiple niches into one niche in article marketing.

Let's say you've got a niche in relationships and you're also an expert on civil war history, and you've written an article on relationships and there's a link in your resource box to your relationship site, but then you also throw one in there to your site on civil war trivia.

Huh? I guess that might be connected if you want to call some relationships a civil war, but basically those would be called diverse domains.

4. Here's the number one thing to never ever do in your resource box, and the one I see people trying to do the most, and that's trying to convince the reader in your resource box that you're the expert.

Now that sounds like a good use of a resource box. You want to list all your accomplishments and all your awards all the way back to first grade. But guess what, if you have not convinced the reader in your article that you're an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box.

They are probably not even going to be reading it anyway, because if you haven't demonstrated that you know what you're talking about in your article, it's very unlikely they're going to be reading your resource box.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

You can also catch a free audio recording of a recent teleseminar on "Resource Box Secrets" by going to http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com/rb

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Key Secrets to Explode Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best traffic-generating tools these days. Aside from the fact that it allows you to share your knowledge so your potential readers will consider you as an expert on your field, it also boosts your sales and profits by allowing you to advertise your products and services online for free.

1. Produce outstanding articles. If you want to succeed in this marketing technique, you should make the quality of your content your number one priority. This will either make or break your promotional campaign. To make sure that your copies will be read or republished, they must be content-rich, useful, scannable, easy to understand, keyword-rich, and informative.

2. Be familiar with the rules set by various publishing sites. This will help you write copies that conform to the terms and conditions set by publishers. This will increase the chances of your articles being accepted and published online.

3. Submit regularly. To make your online presence felt, you must write and submit your reading materials on a regular basis. Experts agree that you need at least 3 submissions per day to get optimum result from this method.

4. Track the performance of your articles online. Determine the click through rate of each of your copies to identify which ones are being read. The data that you can obtain through this process can be used in improving your techniques in writing and submitting your articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like ezinearticles dot com, you can also post your copies to your website, blog, social bookmarking sites, or even on forums.

6. Proofread. Grammar, spelling, and factual mistakes can easily annoy readers. To make sure that you give your potential clients great reading experience, make it a point to manually proofread your articles before posting them online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Writing - 3 Ways To Monetize Your Articles and Ebooks

You can make profit by writing your articles if you understand how the process works. Here are some ways to monetize your writing process.

  • Write articles to promote an affiliate program you are supporting. For example, if you purchase a program, ebook, or materials from someone and you benefited from what you learned, contact that person and ask them if they have an affiliate program that you can join. Most people who have been selling their information on the internet for any period of time have their own affiliate program. You can then write articles about the product and tell of your experience with it so that your readers will know more about it. At the end of your article, in the resource box, you can put your affiliate link to the product. Most article directories do not allow affiliate links, so you will need to purchase a domain name to forward the link. This will cost you about ten dollars for a year and will make you much more money than that if you write articles to promote the product.
  • Another way to make money with articles is to have them link back to your own product or service. Each article will work like a little robot to promote you. There are people all over the world reading articles 24 hours a day and your article will be read by people who will have the opportunity to click the link at the end of your article and go back to your blog, website or sales page. Over time you will have a steady flow of visitors based on how many articles you write.
  • The third and best way to monetize articles is by combining them into an ebook. As you write more articles on the same topic you are building a body of work that can be structured and organized into an ebook that will sell online for years to come.

And now I'd like to invite you to find out how to get your ebook written by visiting Connie Ragen Green at http://www.EbookWritingandMarketingSecrets.com where you will receive free tips and a Special Report on writing and marketing your articles and ebooks. For more information on article writing and marketing visit http://www.WriteArticlesWithJeffHerring.com

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Must-Have Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Do you want to start your article marketing efforts with a bang? These 6 must-have secrets can help you do just that.

1. Choose your topics. When writing your articles for your article marketing campaign, you have to consider these things: they must be relevant to your target niche, useful to your potential clients, and related to the products you are selling. The idea behind this is to write articles that can attract the right kind of people - those who are most likely to buy from you.

2. Register on leading article submission sites. Most publishers will not allow you to submit your articles unless you create an account with their submission sites. While you're at it, read carefully and understand the terms of service set form by each site. This can help you create articles that conform to their standards so you lessen the chances of your articles being rejected.

3. Multiply your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you produce, the more traffic will be diverted to your website. Strive to produce at least 5-7 articles per day to obtain enough quality inbound links to popularize your website and strengthen your online presence.

4. Optimize your content. Search engines are major considerations when marketing your articles online. They are your greatest tool in connecting to your target market through the use of keywords and search terms.

5. Never use spinning software. Some marketers who are aiming at obtaining more quality inbound links resort to spinning software. While these tools can help you re-write your existing articles quickly, they cannot guarantee the quality.

6. Your articles must be concise. Every word that you use on your articles must have direct impact on your target market or helps you to better explain your ideas. If they don't, they are considered fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing Revealed - 4 Comprehensive Ways to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website SEO strategies that is designed to get free targeted traffic for your website. It works by writing original articles that are related to your target niche and submitting them to various article directories online. These articles are then posted by publishers so other webmasters and ezine publishers can use them for free as long as they keep the resource box that directs online users to your website.

1. The success in article marketing largely depends on the quality of articles your write. In order for your copies to be widely distributed, they must be easy to read, well-written and focused on your target niche. Focus on writing articles that offer solutions as these are the kinds of copies that are often search for by most online users.

2. Choose keyword-rich titles. People search the internet through the use of keywords. When you make your headlines keyword-rich, they will be most likely to be found by your potential readers. To further entice your readers to open your articles, make sure that your headlines are intriguing and attention-grabbing.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users today have shorter attention span and they prefer short articles that are direct to the point and meaty.

4. Multiple the number of your articles. While it it true that the quality of your articles is the number one element that dictates the success of your article marketing campaign, the quantity of your articles plays crucial part too. As each submission grants you one quality inbound link, the more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website that can result to increased traffic and of course, sales.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

The Exact Formula For Dominating Niche Markets Like Nobody's Business!

1) Find a niche market

Use keyword tools like Overture or the one at DigitalPoint.com to find the exact number of searches for a niche keyword. Anything above 50,000 a month has profit potential.

Try not to go after the 'make money online' niche because you'll be competing against many established marketers. Instead going after niche markets where there aren't so many educated Internet marketers is a good choice. You can put your Internet marketing skills to work in these markets.

2) Create a free report

Create a free report about your niche. Make it a useful 10-50 page report with lots of useful information. Don't be afraid to give it away because you'll be making money in other ways.

3) Create an opt-in page

This is where you'll get subscribers to opt-in and give their emails to receive your free report. You'll need an autoresponder for this. A good one is Aweber.

4) Create a One-Time Offer

Here's where you make money. You need to create a special offer that can only be seen once after your subscriber opts-in. A good way to create a one-time offer is to use Resell Rights products.

5) Follow up

Offer relevant products to your subscribers by emailing them once a week or so. This is where you make more cash by providing useful products which tie in to your niche.

There you have it, the exact formula I use day in day out to make one part of my online income. The more you read it, the more you'll understand why it's one of the ultimate business models on the Internet!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

Master Plan To Earn Thousands Of Dollars With Only One Article A Day - Part 1

It is possible to earn thousands of dollars with article marketing when you know the exact steps, and this is what you are going to discover in this article.

Although it's the easiest way to promote a business on the Internet, and I mean any ind of business you can imagine, many people don't write or submit articles. And those who are submitting are doing it wrong.

What you really need to do to earn money from this incredible opportunity?

1. The right education.

The very first thing I recommend is to invest in your education. I don't care if you claim that everything can be found on the Internet for free because this is not true.

Your time does have a price tag on it, and it's much more valuable than money. Personally, I don't lie to take two days to find an answer I could have in mere minutes.

Anyway, if you prefer trading your time, do it. But you want to be sure that you learn the right steps.

2. Article directory sites.

There are thousands of directories out there.I have two directories myself, however I don't have the time to promote them. Anyway, just perform a search on your preferred search engine, and you will find hundreds of them.

It will take a lot of time to register to all these article sites at first, but it's only a one time work, so do it. If your day job don't allow you to spend time on this, you can outsource this process for $6 to $15 an hour.

More about these sites in part two.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Internet Marketing - How to Market to Your Niche?

What is a niche and why is it really that vital for the internet marketers? There is also what is called the niche market. What is it then? The niche market is basically the term used to refer to some particular group of people who are indeed in search for the solutions to their problems by using the internet as their last resource. Generally, the niche market is going for general solutions and their high demands for these things do not get equated with the low supply that they get. Now internet marketers should be well abreast with these demands so that they know which niche market to target and in which areas should they be mastering and investing. Internet marketers need to become vigilant so that they would be able to pique the interests of the potential consumers who need your services.

The niche market is somewhat a big group. Typically, they come as one large social or regional group and they are in search for a solution to their ordeals. Some of those niche markets involve people who are finding ways to play golf correctly, train their pet parrots, and many others. So how do you market to your niche?

One of your best options is to make use of the free software that is otherwise known as the Wordtracker. Your typed in keywords would let you retrieve the related information. The results that you get would lead you to the prediction of how many competitor sites you would be having to deal with and how big your prospect customers could be. After which, you could now study which of them would you rather target.

Another good option that you may resort to is to log in to the discussion forums and then assess the problems commonly presented by the people. From the forum, you would be successful in gathering useful data and that would help you concentrate on one particular niche and then make money out of it.

Most likely, the people get interested in the products that you offer them and if you succeed in tickling their bones, you get the profit that you die to have. Hence, if you could come up with several niches and learn to market them accordingly, you would become one of the top notch internet marketers of all time.

While most businesses focus on varying interests by means of catering to a wide range of products and become hosts to the diversified services, they in fact owe it to their being skilled in selecting a good niche market. What other internet marketers fail to understand is the importance of being wise in the selection of the niche market since it could easily determine success in the business. The key factors in selecting the niche market and marketing to your niche fall under several categories. If you do not let the customers know of your existence, you would get nowhere at all.

Here are some pertinent advices that you could take a look at and consider when you intend to do well in marketing to your niche.

Pick out wisely. This is one easy yet crucial step in selecting a niche market. It is often better said than done as what most internet marketers would attest to. The truth is that it is really hard to pinpoint as to which niche would boom and which would not. You only need to exercise your common sense. And then start changing the course of your success. Always watch out for the presence of competition therein.

Pick out something that you have your heart at. Do not sell on something that you are not even slightly interested in. How could you sound convincing when in fact you cannot convince yourself that you really want to have that niche.

Do the marketing. Reach out to your customers. They are the ones who would be giving the life and blood to your business so you must reach out to them wherever they are. One good thing with internet marketing is that you could get in touch with several people no matter where they are in the world. Marketing to your niche means targeting them directly while aiming at their interests, demands, and needs.

Choosing the niche properly and the strategy to be employed are both fun and exciting. Your campaigns are as well to become fruitful only if you know how to handle well the business.

For more information on internet marketing, please visit:

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Big Methods to Make Money with Article Marketing

Who would ever think that anyone can make heaps of money by just writing and submitting articles to publishing sites? Article marketing is becoming more and more popular these days as it continuously bring huge traffic to websites and lots of profits to their owners. If you want to make money through this technique, you must keep these 3 methods in mind:

1. Affiliate marketing. One of the best ways to cash in your article marketing effort is by promoting affiliate products online. You can simply write recommendations or unbiased reviews and you will be paid for every sale that you make. Just make sure that your resource box will point your readers to your product page so they can easily make a purchase should they find your offerings irresistible.

2. Product promotion. You can also utilize this technique to promote your own products online. Write about issues that are affecting your target market and present your products as a solution or easy way out. Be sure to stress out the benefits of your offerings so you can easily entice your readers to make a purchase.

3. Website promotion. If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you are probably aware that huge traffic means more money. Promote your website through article marketing to effectively augment the number of your online visitors, popularize your link, improve your page ranking, and increase your sales potential.

The keys to article marketing are the quality and quantity of your content. To succeed in this technique, you must consistently deliver articles that are well-written and content rich and submit them to publishing sites on a regular basis. By doing so, you will strengthen your online presence and you will be known as an expert on your field.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

To Achieve Article Marketing And Writing Success You Must Follow These 6 Steps

One way of promoting your website and product can be achieved for free. As an additional bonus, this free method can boost your sites and sales, doubling and even tripling your income.

Article marketing is one of the best free advertising methods there is, the articles on the free content site contains a link to your own website. Readers, after reading your articles, may choose to click on the link and pay you an unexpected visit. Also your articles on the free content are available to other webmasters who may wish to publish that article on their site. Having you article on other websites also means you have a back link which will increase you search engine ranking. As you can see there are some great advantages to article marketing.

Here are some great article marketing tips to help make sure your articles gets published and read.

Article Marketing Step 1. Is to discover your topic and titles. As you would provide a first sentence for your article, one that would immediately grab the attention of your reader. To be concise, you would need to get all the facts that will support and go against your point. At this point you are also going to pic out some key words that best describe the content of your article and use these key words as much as possible throw out the article. This will help a great deal when it comes to search engines finding you article, if no one can find it, it will not get read. It's that simple. Key words are a very important factor in article marketing.

Article Marketing Step 2. One of the methods you can use to prepare yourself for writing articles is creating an outline first. Creating an outline for all your articles makes you prepared. You have an idea of what to do first and make a plan for your succeeding steps. Being prepared makes the job easier and faster. Being organized will allow for disorientation to be shunned away.

Article Marketing Step 3. Never underestimate the power of the resource box. After all this is the why your submitting your article, right? It may be small in size but they will provide a significant aid in driving traffic to your site. A boring resource box will never get a job done. Be fun and creative but at the same time show that you have a great deal to offer, too much to ask for something that couldnt fit a paragraph? Yes and no, there are many tips and guides that can help you in doing this, the first step is realizing how important a resource box could be in making people click your link and be directed to your site.

Article Marketing Step 4. Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine. Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

Article Marketing Step 5. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf. In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

Article Marketing Step 6. Reread and reread what you have written down. Always refer to your outline so that you wont drift away from what you had first written down. Its not hard to be caught in the moment and get lost in your writing frenzy. Your outline will help you keep in track. All those hours spent in outlining your article will not go to waste. This will serve as your guide in writing articles. Trust and rely on your outline because this will prove to be a very helpful tool in writing all of your articles.

If you use all these step to market your articles and provide good useful content your article marketing will be very successful.

If you don't feel like writing articles yourself, private label rights articles are always a option. If used properly they can be a great resource. Be sure not to copy private label rights articles word for word. Instead use many different articles and peace them together. This will insure your content is original.

To your article marketing success: Tiffeny Jones

Visit my article directory at http://www.freearticalepro.com

Also as a member of this article directory you have access to the private label rights category.Were you can download free private label rights articles. "All for free"


Press Releases - Grab 'Em Fast and Don't Let Go


For radio and TV: Approach producers as if they have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Get their attention fast. If your press release doesn't capture the producers' attention within the first ten seconds, you're dead; they'll be off on something else. They seldom read press releases, but when they do, they usually just scan the headlines and bullets. Producers' lives are blurs. Everything is an emergency or a crisis...so make press releases for producers shorter than those you send to print journalists. Tips:

Headlines are critical. They should be one line only, take seconds to read and focus on value and benefit.

The media is obsessed with three topics that it thinks audiences crave: money, sex and health. So, whenever possible, tie your headlines to those topics.

Establish a "Who Gives a Damn" meter. Determine if anyone would care about the information presented. If so, identify specifically who would care. Then determine why they would care. Once done, write headlines and bullets targeted to those who would care.

For print: For the print media the first paragraph of your press release is vital. It should run no more than three or four sentences and set forth all of the main points covered in the release. Don't muddy your opening paragraph with too much detail...Use subsequent paragraphs to further explain your story, including background, more specific information, and even include quotes or endorsements. But keep the entire release to one page. After you've drafted the release, tie it together with a catchy headline...always include your contact information at both the top and bottom of the page. [And remember] that print media can publish a press release, or parts of it, with little or no change, and their job is done. ___

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "The Author 101 Newsletter" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter " Subscribe at http://www.author101.com and receive free by email my "Million Dollar Rolodex"

If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

Rick Frishman President Planned TV Arts

Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts, since 1982 is the driving force behind PTA's exceptional growth. In 1993 PTA merged with Ruder*Finn and Rick serves as an Executive Vice President at Ruder Finn. While supervising PTA's success, he has remained one of the most powerful and energetic publicists in the media industry.

Rick continues to work with many of the top editors, agents and publishers in America including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.Rick joined the company in 1976 after working as a producer at WOR-AM in New York City. He has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications.


Best Article Marketing - 5 Huge Methods to Multiply Your Article Marketing

There are so many ways to promote your website in the World Wide Web to generate traffic. However, if you are looking for a single technique that will not only lead visitors to your site, but also pull up your search engine ranking, article marketing is highly recommended. This is one of the most reliable and cost-effective marketing methods that is being used by most successful webmasters.

Here are the 5 huge methods to multiply your article marketing:

1. Write more. To get the exposure you need, increase the number of articles you write everyday. Remember, the quantity of your articles determines the number of links you will get from publishing sites.

2. Write quality articles. To effectively convince your readers that you are actually very good at what you do, make sure that your articles reflect your expertise. So before you submit, ensure that your articles are well-written, useful, and easy to understand, packed with valuable information, and free from any error.

3. Be patient. Do not expect to get instant traffic after 20-30 submissions, as article marketing doesn't work overnight. Instead, continuously write quality articles and submit them to reputable publishing sites. Experts agree that you need at least 250-300 submissions before you will see noticeable increase in your traffic.

4. Pick the best publishing sites. Make sure that the publishing sites where you submit your articles have high page ranking and have ample traffic. In addition, you have to ensure that they have quick review and posting time.

5. Monitor your clickthroughs. Identify the articles that are picking up online. Determine the reasons why they are being read by your target market. It could be that they have attention-grabbing titles, they offer the information that your readers need, they are easy to read and understand, etc. Take note of these qualities and apply them on your next articles to ensure your success in article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Want To Know Who Makes More Money In This Business?

Article marketers are lucky people. They just sit down, write an article and after a few week, their name is all over the Internet. It's the ideal viral marketing technique because of it's nature. The leverage is incredible.

Let's have a look at 3 major players in this industry.

1. Article writers

They are the heart of this whole business. I am not talking about those who write one or two articles a week, but folks who wwrite hundreds of articles per week.

I write as much as ten articles a day, and I am still a small player in this game.

Anyway, they drive the machine. Without them, the other players can't earn any money.

2. Website owners

These are desperate people. Why? Because they need fresh content for their websites or blog every single day.

If they want to achieve top search engine rankings, they need to show to Google, Yahoo, MSN and others that they are authority on the subject.

This means a lot of content and frequently updated.

Web masters often create site after site, and no one can produce content for each of those sites.

That's why they need writers so badly. It's a perfect match.

3. Ezine publishers

These are men and women earning a full time income sending news, tips and offers to their list of thousands of loyal subscribers.

They need to send them the best of the best on the web. To succeed, their e-zine must be so original that only a fool would choose to unsubscribe.

Think about it. If you receive the best information about your passion or hobby, would you refuse that?

These are the three major players. And you know who is profiting from this? You and me, information junkies. We read so much that we are often drawn in information overload, but this is another problem.

Do you know who really profit from this industry in term of money? The pay per click search engines! They rip most of the rewards while we get our little share of the pie.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing - How Can Your Really Become Successful With Article Marketing?

First of all, we must define success in article marketing. If you do not know what you are trying to achieve, then how will you know if you have made it or not?

Before we can even talk about how to define success in article marketing, we must think about what are the possible goals with article marketing.

There are two general ways to make money with article marketing: direct traffic, and building long term inbound links to help you gain high search engine rankings for long term traffic.

In the first case, direct traffic, you will be writing a larger number of articles (100-200 per month if you are fulltime online) and submitting them to a small number of high-traffic article directories.

In the second case, you will be writing a smaller number of articles (perhaps 10 per month) and submitting them to up to about 200+ article directories online. This will create high numbers of backlinks to your web site, which will help increase your search engine rankings, so you can develop long-term sources of income.

Which to choose? I think you should have some mix of both of course you have to decide how much of each you want, as any time spent on one takes time away from the other.

One of the biggest keys to success with article marketing is quantifying your goals online and with article marketing, then going out and doing them. That means if you commit to 200 articles written and submitted this month, if you get behind you simply have to work extra to catch up.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

How To Get Your Articles Published Online

Article marketing, using articles to boost your traffic and sales, is one of the most effective online marketing strategies you can use. Why you ask? Because articles are the perfect marketing tools for promoting any website or product.

However, it is not just simply a matter of throwing a few words together on a webpage and hoping for the best. To effectively use articles as marketing tools you must follow some simple procedures and practices in order to get your articles published online and in ezines more often.

Here are some article marketing tips you can try. These methods are proven and have worked for thousands of professional online marketers including the one writing this piece.

Why Articles Work

But before we start, you must understand why articles are so crucial to your marketing in the first place. You must truly understand why and how articles work so effectively as marketing vehicles in our newly wired world. It all boils down to one word... information.

The main reason articles work is information. The whole Internet is based on information. People use the web to access information and your well written article can help satisfy this need. You must place your article squarely into this whole information cycle.

Your article must be informative and provide some benefit to the reader. Tips, advice, how-to... your reader should gain something from spending a few minutes reading your article. The more beneficial your article, the more popular it will become and you will have a better chance of getting it published.

Title & Keywords

Your article title should contain two vital elements: Keywords and Benefits. Your title must contain your keywords or keyword phrases, these are the exact words someone types into the search engines to find what they are looking for on the web.

You must find the exact words people are using and include these in your title as well as in your article. Many professional marketers use keyword research software like Keyword Elite but you can also use free keyword suggestion tools like WordTracker or Overture: http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion/

I find short catchy titles are best for capturing the attention of the reader. With our split second surfing habits, the title may be your only chance you get to hook your readers and keep them on your page. Another tactic is to make all your articles easily scannable with your main points highlighted for quick absorption.


Most experts suggest you keep your articles short, in the 500 - 700 word range. Many authors/marketers use even shorter formats in the 200 - 300 word range in order to fit neatly on webpages.

I personally have found my more meatier articles in the 900 - 1200 word range have worked the best for me and seems to get featured in important ezines like Addme, SiteProNews... more often than shorter articles. My best advice is to cut out any unnecessary fluff but write in your own natural style which is comfortable for you.


You must distribute your articles on the web. You can personally submit your articles to the many article directory sites on the web or you can purchase a service which does this for you. I do both.

I personally submit my articles to the major high PR6 or PR7 sites which display my articles. I have found articles placed on Ezinearticles.com, Buzzle.com, Goarticles.com, Articlealley.com, Promotionworld.com, Thumbshots.org, Site-reference.com, Ideamarketers.com, Selfgrowth.com... do extremely well.

I would suggest you use 9 or 10 of these highly popular sites to display your articles, not only for the traffic they deliver but for increasing your rankings in the search engines, especially Google.

I have also found using a paid online service like SubmitYourArticle is really helpful, especially when I am on vacation or away from my computer for any length of time. I also use this service to quickly write different versions of my articles for the best search engine optimization. I am also concerned with covering different article lengths because many webmasters will only publish short articles.

Resource Box/Anchor Text

Your resource box is at the end of each article and this is where you place URLs for those all important One-Way links back to your site. Many marketers are careful to place their targeted keywords and variations in the anchor text of their links. It is also a good idea to provide some benefit or free gift to enhance your 'call to action' and improve your chances of getting that all important click.

Be Consistent

I have found a steady supply of fresh articles on a regular basis works the best. These articles keep your site or products fresh in the search engines and in front of your potential customers and editors/webmasters who publish your content. Try for at least two articles per week.

Own List of Editors

Along the same lines, build your own opt-in list of editors and webmasters who have opted in to receive your latest articles. Send a copy of your article to these interested parties and you will increase your chances of getting your articles published.

I also make it a point of including my most popular articles in my own ezines and blogs. This helps to kickstart or launch my newest articles.


Many marketers place their articles in autoresponders so anyone requesting your article can easily use email to retrieve it. Many marketers also use RSS feeds to distribute their articles. If doing your own feeds seems too complicated, then just use any of the major article directories like Ezinearticles which will supply you with a convenient RSS feed for your articles.

Spam Check Your Articles

I always make it a point of testing my articles for any words or phrases that will trigger the spam filters and block my articles. This is extremely important if you want your article to be featured in ezines and newsletters. I check my articles within my Aweber autoresponder service but you can use a free SpamCheck service offered by SiteSell: http://bizwaremagic.com/spamcheck.htm


Articles that show some originality and personality have worked the best for me. Showing and telling your own story and experiences in a light hearted way seems to work really well in the somewhat impersonal online world. Having a sense of humor also helps, try to make your articles entertaining as well as informative and your articles will be picked up more often.


Writing unique informative articles is one of the most effective ways to market on the web. Remember to keep your articles informative, personable, keyword rich, short and to the point. Take a pro-active approach to promoting your articles: submit them to the major online article directories, send them to editors and webmasters who request content from you and place your articles on your site, in your blogs and RSS feeds.

Used properly, articles can be effective marketing tools for boosting both your traffic and sales. Perhaps the best part of all, article marketing is completely free. What more can you ask for?

The author is a full-time online marketer. Give your marketing a real boost, take this free e-Course explaining all the tools and resources you really need to succeed online: Internet Marketing Guide For the most effective web marketing software try: Internet Marketing Software Copyright 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Link - How To

Having an email list is a must for anyone with a website of product, because lets face it without a list you will find it hard to successfully promote your site. List-Dot-Com is a new site that will help you to build your list and to promote your website to thousands of people. The great thing about this site is that it can greatly benefit any affiliate or internet marketer out there today.

When you first sign up to the site (which is free by the way) you will want to start building your list. They help you in many ways by providing many promotional tools at your disposal, such as opt-in forms. pop ups, pop exits and email letters.

Viral marketing is a great way to get the word out about your site, you simply sign up to anyone of the free traffic exchanges out there today, place a small advertisement with your link and as you sign up new referrals they will be encouraged to sign up more people for themselves. Your member base will continue to grow underneath you because the people that sign up under you will also get referrals for themselves thus increasing your list very quickly. One of the main benefits with List-Dot-Com is that you will be able to email your members as much as once every three days or as you wish. As you build up your list further you will be able to email random people who have already signed up to the site. Don't worry your list of people that you mail to will be targeted to what you are promoting as these people are usually fellow internet marketers like yourself.

If you are interested in building your list then click here to get started

Article Marketing Mistake #1 - Not Understanding List Building With Your Articles

One of the things you have to know and have to do on the internet is have a list. Your list is people that have subscribed to your newsletter or perhaps a slice of your expertise that you give away in exchange for their email address.

Im biased because my niche, my expertise is article marketing. Other people will say this and back this up. Article marketing is the best free way to build your list. You can do pay per click, which means people opt in and each time they click on a link with Google you pay for it. You can build your list that way.

Most of my lists are built through article marketing because instead of somebody clicking a link or you having to buy lists or somebody co-registering somewhere else, when people join your list after reading one of your articles, youre getting a highly qualified and highly responsive list member because theyve already raised their hand and said, Hey, Im interested in this topic.

Theyve read your article, theyve begun to know, like, and trust you, and if they joined your list theyre saying they want to know more. Theyre telling you, I want to know more.

I would rather have a small list thats highly responsive built through article marketing than a larger list thats not responsive. Now ultimately you want to have a large list thats very responsive.

List building is one of the pillars of working on the internet and being successful in internet marketing. Offline we call it our database or our client list, etc etc. Online we call it our list.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Article Marketing What the Experts Won't Tell You

The reason so many webmasters fail at article marketing is because they do not know the key points to the strategy. If you are writing with no proven direction then you are just wasting your time. It is imperative that you follow these proven steps if you want to start succeeding in your article marketing campaign.

- Providing your viewers with valuable information is essential. But alone it will not pave the way to article marketing success. Valuable information must be implemented by a personalized, eye-catching writing style. If you are not doing this then you are most likely losing loads of valuable clicks to your signature block.

- Create an eye-catching title. It is a proven fact that the title of your article is what makes it sell. There are so many webmasters simply wasting their time by creating a quality article only for it to sit in place and collect dust because of poor title writing. I find that using your keyword in the first three words of the title provides the best results.

- Take time when creating the signature block because this is the time to sell yourself and your product. Second to poor title creation, poor signature block writing is sure to point your viewers in other directions. When you write the signature block do not just place your name and the URL to your web site. You need to convince your viewers that they need to click on that link or they are missing out on something big.

- Now that you have created an eye-catching article with a signature block that tells your viewers they better click or they will miss out; you need to find places to submit it to. Many people believe that mass distribution is the way to go. What they do not know is that laziness does not pay off. Search engines do not like to find the same content over hundreds of sites; most being low ranking. What they do like to find is the same content on five or six high quality sites. This says that the content is worthy of high search engine placement. Find the top five or six article directories and submit to them only.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven ways to Make Money Online and Write a Quality Article. Joshua would like to invite you to join in on the Free Training at http://www.EZ-OnlineMoney.com

Part 1 - Marketing Elder Care Services - New Strategies For 2008 And Beyond

Marketing your elder care service in today's "mature market", means offering added value at every turn. Setting yourself apart from the competition and convincing your prospects that they would be absolutely crazy to do business with anyone else but you is essential to your survival.

Understanding and addressing the financial concerns of clients may seem foreign to many elder care service providers, but without that knowledge and a proactive approach to helping them solve those problems, elder care services lose private pay clients faster.

Some of the key concepts that all providers should have a basic knowledge of, and a referral source for include:

Reverse Mortgages- using home equity to pay for immediate long-term care needs at home.

Long-Term Care Insurance- be sure to ask if your client has this important coverage.

Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit- is your client a veteran or were they married to a veteran who is now deceased? This benefit can help pay for in-home care for longer periods of time.

o The Veterans' Administration offers a Special Pension with Aid and Attendance (A&A) benefit that is largely unknown. This Special Pension (part of the VA Improved Pension program) allows for Veterans and surviving spouses who require the regular attendance of another person to assist in eating, bathing, dressing, undressing or taking care of the needs of nature to receive additional monetary benefits. It also includes individuals who are blind or a patient in a nursing home because of mental or physical incapacity. Assisted care in an assisted living facility also qualifies.

o This most important benefit is overlooked by many families with Veterans or surviving spouses who need additional monies to help care for ailing parents or loved ones. This is a "pension benefit" and is not dependent upon service-related injuries for compensation. Most Veterans who are in need of assistance qualify for this pension. Aid and Attendance can help pay for care in the home, nursing home or assisted living facility. A Veteran is eligible for up to $1,519 per month, while a surviving spouse is eligible for up to $976 per month. A couple is eligible for up to $1,801 per month*.

Learn how to provide your clients with the right information that will keep them actively private pay longer. From more information and amazing ideas that help you market your senior service go to www.ultimateseniorservice.com and sign up for the The Amazing Senior Service Business Booster Ezine- FREE!

For more information and the FREE Amazing Senior Service Marketing EZINE, please go to http://www.ultimateseniorservice.com or http://www.marketingmyseniorservice.com