Bum Squidoo

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization is a lot easier than you think. Although you need to gather a certain amount of information about your site, preferably before you build your site, once you have the right information, you can quickly and easily build a search engine optimized website that will get you traffic.

Below are five tips for optimizing and submitting your site to the search engines:

1. Know your market.

This step is absolutely crucial. You need to know exactly who you are marketing your business to. If you don't, you can't drive targeted traffic to your site.

The difference between targeted and untargeted traffic is glaring. Targeted traffic comes from those who are looking for your products and services. If you know exactly who you are marketing to, you'll optimize your site for that market.

2. Target the right keywords.

Target the wrong keywords and no one will find you. That's why it is really useless to use marketing tools like doorway pages.

The first thing you need to do is understand what your visitors are searching for.

The keyword terms you may want to optimize for, and what your potential customers are actually searching for, can be different.

Tools like Good Keywords, http://www.goodkeywords.com, can help you find out what others are searching for. The more times that a keyword or keyword term is searched for the better. To determine if you have a lucrative term, do a search in the search engines for the term. Make sure that you search for the exact term.

The more times a term is searched for, and the fewer the sites in the search engines, the more lucrative the term.

3. Learn search engine optimization.

When I first started marketing online, I read all of the guru stuff about buying banners, advertising, etc. The problem was that I just starting out. I was trying to make money, not give away everything that I had.

After becoming a search engine optimization marketer, I felt betrayed. Most of these people didn't talk about search engine optimization because they didn't do it. They simply took offline marketing techniques and adapted them to the internet.

Search engine optimization is one of those rare marketing techniques that has no corresponding offline marketing technique.

It's an online technique. Period. If you want to be successful at it, then you need to learn how to do it. It's not that hard.

One tool that can help you is Web CEO, http://www.webceo.com. This free software works for both PC and Mac. It includes all of the tools you need to optimize your site, and it's free. It even includes step by step documentation to teach you search engine optimization: what works, what you need to know, and steps you can take to improve your rankings.

Read the documentation for this software, and you'll know the most important things you need to know about optimizing your site for the search engines.

4. Optimize your site for the search engines.

Once you've learned the basics of search engine optimization, then it's time to optimize your site for the search engines.

Start by selecting your keywords. You can use the Good Keywords software to help you.

You should optimize for no more than three keyword terms per page.

Once you have your keywords, plug your site into Web CEO. Remember, you are optimizing pages, not your site.

Analyze your site and see what changes you need to make. Once you've done that, you can edit and reload or upload your site to the internet.

5. Submit your site to the search engines.

There's some disagreement on whether or not you should submit your site to the search engines, or whether you should just wait for the search engine spiders to find you.

I stand in the camp that says submit. The reason is that these search engines don't always update the way they should, and although they claim that they will find your site, they may not.

I know this because I had one site that had never been found by MSN eventhough it was linked to all of my other sites and all of my other sites were fully included in MSN.

There are only five places that I recommend you submit, and you should do this manually. Although Web CEO has a submission tool, it's better to submit your site manually.

Below is my list of where to submit your site:

Google - http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl

MSN/Inktomi - http://submitit.bcentral.com/msnsubmit.htm (Includes Inktomi)

MSN - http://beta.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx

Yahoo - http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html

Alexa - http://pages.alexa.com/help/webmasters/index.html

Exactseek - http://www.exactseek.com/add.html

These sites cover most of the internet. Before you submit, there are a few things you should know:

1. Alexa is part of Google search. You will get better results submitting here first. This site also allows you to include a thumbnail of your site. You will also get indexed faster.

2. Read the information on each site for getting included. The best way to learn how to market in any search engine is to read the information offered by the site. You'll pick up valuable free tips directly from the source.

3. Once you've submitted your site, forget about it. Concentrate on building quality content and links to your site.

Once you've built a site of around 100 pages, start another one on a topic you are passionate about. Continue adding content to the site or sites you've already built. Keep repeating this process, and you'll achieve success in the search engines: targeted traffic, more sales, and a reputation for providing quality content.

Jinger Jarrett is the "Internet Marketing for Free" lady. She will show you how to market your business on the internet and do it for free. You'll get thousands of dollars in free internet marketing tools when you visit her blog at Internet Marketing for Free.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As an affiliate, you need to drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website every single monht if you want to earn money and finally quit your day job. A few hundreds visitors is not enough.

If you don't know how to build a money making website, don't worry, just register with blogger.com or wordpress.com and create you first blog. It will take you less than five minutes.

If you are brand new to online business, I recommend you start with blogger because it is newbie friendly and the best part is that it' totally free.

For the rest of this article, I assume that you already have a niche and an affiliate program.

Next, write an article about your topic. If you decided to promote dog training ebooks, write an informative article about dog training.

Let me show you a quick and easy way to wrire an article in any topic even if you never wrote a single word for the last two years...

Step 1: Wikipedia

Just go to wikipedia.com and type your keyword in the search box. You will be taken the dog training page. You just need to read the article and take note of the main keywords.

Do not copy the article there. It's not ethical.

Step 2: Search Engines

Type your main keyword in any search engine, and browse the various websites to find even more information.

Note: You will find more information in the organic results because those webmasters need good and original content to get high rankings.

Step 2: Write your own article

Will all the information you gathered in step 1. Voila! you are now an expert. Just write a "7 steps article". Basically, you list seven important points and add a few paragraphs.

Step 3: Submit your article with a bio box and a link to your site.

Franck Silvestre creator of the FREE Affiliate Marketing Course earns thousands of dollars every single year. His own methods have increased traffic to his website by more than 467%! If you want to boost your website traffic and sales, download his amazing report today. Visit his website at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The Marketers task is to sell products using a salesletter Good Marketers test and tweak their salesletter until it produces a good response - say a conversion rate of 3%.

Even better (for them) they will usually capture your email address, and follow up with emails to persuade you to purchase.

Over a period of time, these follow up messages can also be honed to produce the optimum number of buyers.

That's why good copywriters can command high fees. If they have a proven track record of writing copy that produces sales, their work is valuable to a marketer.

Internet Marketing is a maturing market, with many new products being released daily. Faced with the barrage of products offered, how can a buyer make good choices?. One way to do this is to only buy products recommended by someone that you trust - much the same as in the offline world.

In order for a marketer to earn trust, and be a source of recommendations for products, he or she must have used the product themselves, and found it to be useful.

For a marketer to only recommend good products though, means that he or she will miss out on the promotion of new products as time is required to test them.

It is only right and fair, that if an affiliate helps a buyer find a product that fits their needs, then money is earned.

However, once affiliate links are brought into the equation, the motive of the person recommending products, is open to question. Is the product being recommended because it is good, or because the affiliate makes money?

I recommend that you only buy products and services that carry a money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can then ask for a refund.

A tip that works well, before you buy is to keep a "five day file". If a product interests you, and you would like to buy it - drop the details in your file, and take another look in five days time. Many an expensive mistake can be stopped, just by taking a break to think about it.

But there is a hidden cost which is risked when Internet Marketing products are purchased, namely time. Often, implementing a new strategy, will take many hours of work. Sure you can get a refund, if it doesn't produce the claimed results, but you cannot get back the time spent on implementation.

For reviews of Affiliate Elite and a $200 bonus check out Affiliate Elite Bonus at http://www.squidoo.com/affiliateelitereviews

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Time is precious for internet surfers. You have 7 seconds to capture their attention before they are on to the next web site. Use these tips to create an effective marketing message.

1. Get clear about your strategy by writing it down.

Having a roadmap of your internet marketing strategy ensures you have the resources and budget for each tactic you want to implement. You also save time since you won't have to do a lot of last minute scrambling for resources, ideas, etc. Effectiveness of tools and content varies depending on the audience. Be clear about what works best with your market. There is no reason to add video to your site if your client base is on dial-up. They won't be able to see the video and will probably become frustrated.

2. Coordinate and leverage offline and online marketing strategy.

Keep a consistent look and feel between your online and offline marketing materials. If your stationery, business cards, and post cards are blue and yellow, then your web site needs to continue that theme. Leverage your online activities by promoting them offline. For example, promote your ezine with a brochure you can distribute at networking events.

3. Know why you're communicating.

Whether it's a blog, a web site or an email, each communication with your reader needs a clear intention. That intention can be a call to action such as enrolling in your email tutorial. It can also be to show off your expertise and educate your reader. Whatever the communication, before creating it, know what you want your reader to do after they receive it.

4. State the benefits of your communication as soon as you can.

Whether it's an article, a newsletter or a web page, the visitor should have no doubt within the first few sentences that the information is valuable. Your reader needs to know what's in it for them from the start. Be as concise as you can while still getting your message across.

5. Connect with your reader.

Make sure you are creating an emotional connection with your reader. As a service professional, you probably find that easy to do in person. One way to create an emotional connection in writing is by pretending you are talking to one specific person and write to them. You can connect with your reader in several different ways. One way is to share parts of your personal life - like the fact that you have a cat or a dog and live in the country. Write to your reader as if you are having a telephone conversation. If you wouldn't use a word in conversation, you probably shouldn't use it in your copy either.

6. Get feedback before publishing.

I learned this lesson the hard way. Have someone else read your article, your web site copy, or your ezine before it goes out. The benefit is not just in proofreading for spelling but also to make sure the subject makes sense, reads well and is consistent with everything else you do.

7. Make reading and navigating your website easy.

Online visitors are usually looking for information to solve a problem and they are in a hurry. Your navigation bar should be easy to find. Readers need to be able to move quickly and easily between pages so make sure your navigation page labels are clear. Using more than three colors, or a background other than white makes reading online more difficult.

Nancy D Waring, Internet Communication Strategist and owner of OnPoint Communication Solutions, assists coaches and other service professionals more effectively manage their internet marketing so they can spend more time on their business. For more information about solutions to expand your business using the web, pick up her special report at:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Creating an online list or directory of visitors to your website is a must for anyone wanting to profit through the web. Your online list is a resource of endless possibilities, one of which includes profit, of course.

Having an online list will ensure you have a database of people you can promote your website to on a regular basis as a means to increase site traffic especially during viral campaigns or new updates.

The number one rule to apply, when it comes to collecting user information on the web, is permission. Visitors to your website should always be given the option to sign in and out of your list. Practicing privacy protection security measures for your members is another must.

So, how does one build a list? Here are the steps.

1. You have to have a website and that your website should have a feature or page wherein visitors can log-in their information (name, email, age, etc.) and that this page stores the information in an online database.

2. If you are selling a product, create a page wherein you provide samplers of the product in exchange for the person's information.

3. Implement a member-get-member scheme wherein current members can get freebies if they refer people's names and emails that can be submitted through a page in your website.

4. Keep calling cards and emails handy. After all, it is common to find email addresses in calling cards these days and you can personally add this to your online list. Just remember to inform the person where you got their information so as not to be regarded as spam. As for emails you receive from previous correspondences, these too will serve useful in your list building.

Remember, your online list will prosper only if you constantly check out what works for your website and if you constantly communicate the people in your list. After all, putting yourself on the shoes of the potential member, what's the use of joining an online list if you won't get anything from it afterwards, right?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to list building success, 'Secrets of List Building for Profit'

Download it free here: List Building Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Some online entrepreneurs prefer paid advertising (like banner ads and PPC advertising) in promoting their products and popularizing their websites. This type of advertising tools can attract interested parties to your website as long as you have the money to pay search engines every time your ads are being clicked. But what happens when you don't have the budget anymore or can't keep up with the higher bidders? Your ads will simply be ignored or will no longer be shown on search result page.

If you are looking for a marketing tool that offers long term results and doesn't cost a penny, you should seriously consider article marketing. Although this will take some of your time as you will need to write articles and submit them online, the end results can be extremely rewarding.

1. Scrap blatant ads from your articles. If you want to easily gain a following online, you should concentrate on giving your readers information that they will find useful and relevant to their lives. You can pitch in your sales in your resource box after your have informed or empowered your readers through your content.

2. Check your resource box for broken links. Before you submit your articles online, make sure that all the links in your resource box are working properly to save your articles from being rejected by publishers. Use the preview feature of article submission sites and make sure that all your links are working before you click the submit button.

3. Anchor texts or absolute URLs? Based on researches and studies, people respond well to anchor texts as they are created based on the keywords that people are most likely to relate to. Thus, strive to use at least 2 anchor texts on your resource box to increase your click through rate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

You want to succeed in article marketing? It's simple to do if you just follow these easy to implement strategies. Read them, and when you're done, promise me that you'll use them to your advantage! So are you ready?

  1. Put your main keyword in the first three words of your title. By simply doing this, you can get a much higher page ranking than your articles that don't do this. Don't think I'm correct? Go to any search engine and type in any keyword, I bet you anything that the results on the first page have the keyword in the first 1-3 words of their title. I have seen my articles go a long way to the top of search results just because I wrote the main keyword in the first three words of my articles title.

  2. Give your article quality. Your articles must contain quality and value! This is vital to your articles success. You can have all the best page rankings in the world, but you won't get the greatest clicks if you don't have any valuable content written in your articles. Give your readers value, and the traffic will follow.

  3. Your articles should also be based on quantity. The more articles you get, the more publicity and inbound links your website gets. Along with that, you also increase how much people look at you as a professional in your industry. These reasons alone should be enough for you to want to write tons of articles, but if you want more than here it is. The more articles that you write with valuable content, the closer your articles are going to get to the first page of search engines! Use this to your advantage and your article marketing will skyrocket!

  4. Break up your articles by using bullet points and paragraphs. This is a wonderful way to get your readers to be interested with your article. When you break up your article accurately, your readers will find your article easy to read, and they'll click on your URL link more than if you didn't. No one wants to read one long paragraph! Break it up into pieces so your reader can skim through and read the important parts.

  5. Keep the grammatical errors in your article low. I mean very low. Readers can be known to quickly click out of an article just from one simple spelling mistake. So take the time to spell check your articles. You'll be glad you did!

Follow these simple to follow strategies, and your article marketing will indeed skyrocket to success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Years ago when I first joined my network marketing company I attended a local opportunity meeting. I remember the speaker teaching us that network marketing is all about relationships. He went on to say that relationships are the key to building a successful team.

When I made the shift from being a distributor practicing offline marketing strategies to online marketing strategies I knew that relationship building was still going to be important.

One of the first strategies I learned on the Internet was article marketing. I also learned attraction marketing and how to brand myself as an expert online. In article marketing it's important to write keyword focused articles and to create a compelling resource box. After months of testing my articles, I learned that my conversion rates are higher than other strategies because the prospect is highly targeted. Think about it, if someone will take the time to read your article they are interested. They may not necessarily buy from you but they are at least worth a phone call and or email for follow up.

One day it hit me like a ton of bricks, why don't I give my readers a personal touch from a live video. I just purchased a nice webcam and was already posting videos to my blogs, myspace, and other websites. I was having fun producing these videos and I found them very effective marketing techniques for my business..

I created a video sharing a little about me and my background and then I would direct the readers to my blog or other website. This strategy is working because prospects are able to see me (the author) live and I direct them to take a certain action. Prospects want to be led from step to step. If I tell them in the video to go to my blog because I have free training resources already set, most likely they are going to go to my blog.

The prospects I now talk to have already got to know me a little bit and when they join me in business we already have a relationship started. The best part about using this strategy is it leverages my time. My videos will keep saying the same thing to thousands of readers.

To do this I simply create a video using my webcam and upload it to myspace video, youtube video, or blogger.com video. I then take the video link I'm given and post it in my signature box.

If you are not using video to brand yourself online I highly encourage you to start using this strategy. You can buy a good webcam for $60-80.00. The investment is well worth it!!

Free Training Resource!! Please Watch!



Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In this article I would like to go over a technique that you can easily use to build a six figure income. Now when you read that statement you may be thinking that this is impossible.

The biggest problem with this method of promotion is actually writing enough to be successful. The higher the volume of articles, the greater the number of your subscribers will be and sales. Lets face it writing a large number of articles can be a real challenge and this is primarily the reason that you are not earning more.

On some days you just won't feel like writing and that will be when your sales are hurt the most. The solution to this common problem is to hire a ghost writer. Look on sites like Elance and set a bid for a project. I suggest that you pay no more than 5 dollars per article. If you pay anymore then it will be difficult to turn a profit.

Now this is the important part. Before you start doing this you need to know how much money you will earn per subscriber. I suggest you start out by writing articles yourself until you have built about 500 subscribers. You need to have a very good backend system in place to monetize your subscribers. You will then be able to calculate how much a subscriber is worth.

Based on this information you can work out how much money you can spend. So for example if 300 articles a month produces six hundred subscribers then you can work out how much money you will earn.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Almost every webmaster and Internet marketer who is serious about his online business cares of driving more traffic to his website. We all know that the closer to the top in search engine results the site is, the more it is visited by Internet users. But how to get that cherished place on the first page in the search engine? The answer is link building.

Link building is the process of getting links pointing to your site from other websites. The more incoming links your site has, the more value it represents for search engines. The quality of incoming links does matter too.

In this article I'd like to suggest the tools you can use to build quality links to your website:

1. Articles. Write the articles about the products or services you offer on your website and submit them to article directories. The idea is to include a link to your site into every article. Each article listed in many directories has the potential to build thousands of links for you.

2. Bookmarks. A great idea is to bookmark your articles. Every time you bookmark an article, you are linking back to your website. You can bookmark the web pages with your articles with popular bookmark sites, for example digg.com and del.icio.us, these sites are growing in popularity by the day. Also, adding social bookmark links to your articles makes it easy for readers to save and share your content. You can use this Social Bookmarking Tool to bookmark your articles with more than 50+ social bookmarking sites.

3. Forums. You can search for forums related to your business and leave the posts on them. Include the link to your site into your signature and every post you make will become an inbound link.

4. Blogs. An off site blog is a great means for building links and gaining traffic because every post you make is a separate web page. Link to your website and you'll have some good inbound links.

5. Social networking. With social networking link building comes in when you set up your profile. You'll make friends and drive traffic to your website.

6. Web directories. Directory submission is one of the best ways to get natural quality links for your website. The more directories you list your website with, the more inbound links you have. The easiest and quickest way to submit the site to web directories is to use a directory submitter tool. Directory submission software already has a large database of directories included within the program and automates the process of site submission. So, it is also the more time saving method of link building because you don't waste your time by searching the Internet for themed directories. You can find many companies offering fast, easy and free directory submission software on the Internet. Conduct a search for "Directory Submitter" or "Link Directory Submitter" in Google, Yahoo or MSN and you will find many websites that offer these types of programs.

Free directory submission software is absolutely the best SEO technique because it allows you optimize your new and existing websites as frequently as you would like and doesn't cost your anything.

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Allocating your resources may be one of the most important things you can do for your Internet marketing. The reason is because each of us only has so much time and so much money. Okay, some of us have more money than others. But the point is, resources are finite. Therefore, in order to make the most out of your business, learning how to allocate these resources, whether they be time or money, is critical to success. This article is going to show you one way...my way..how to do it. Hey, it works for me.

The first thing I do is sit down and figure out how much time I want to devote to my business each day. This is obviously going to be different for each person. I personally have no life so I can devote as much time to my day as I like. I choose to work 14 hour days, but this doesn't have to be true for you. Point is, pick a number of hours and stick to it.

The second thing I do is make a list of all the things I want to get accomplished in my day. I then prioritize them from top to bottom and make a note of how long I think each task is going to take. If I find that I have more hours that I need to dedicate than I have hours in my day, I have two choices. I can either increase the hours in my work day to accommodate the extra work, or eliminate some items. It's one or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

The next thing I do is actually make a schedule, in writing, for what I plan to do each day. I stick to it to the letter unless something unexpected happens. Hey, things do go wrong in life. Learn to expect this.

That takes care of my time resources. But what about my money resources?

Well, same thing. I write down how much money I feel I can afford to spend on my business each month. I then make a list of items I feel I will need, including software, advertising, etc. I then take a look at the cost of what I want. If it's more than what I have allocated, I have two choices. I can either allocate more money or cut out some things. In order to do this, you have to prioritize the things you need. If advertising is most important, then that goes at the top of the list and you allocate your resources to that first. What's left over you put to the remaining items until you're out of money.

It's not rocket science. If you manage your business and resources in this manner, you'll find that you have a much better chance of running a successful business.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at http://work-at-home-based-business.com/2007/12/06/review-of-nitro-marketing/ and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 5 years I've been doing this.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Probably not.You will be aware of your link popularity if it is enough high for a real business or not. You would like to make profit. Your ranking is deciding factor.

But why link popularity? Because this is one of the most powerful tool in your hand and you can influence this factor. If you learn how to measure and track this indicator, you will be able to improve your link popularity! This is the good news.

For your high page rank you need a number of inbound links, not just any links, links with high page rank and related topic as your site. It is called relevant one way links.

Let me introduce some free SEO tools, which will help us to measure our own link popularity:

Link popularity check: this is a free and very useful software (you can download from my site). This program checks the link popularity status of your web site on several search engines and compares it to other web sites on the Internet (for example your competitors). LPC gets the numbers from the search engines.

Googlerankings: with the help of this tool you will be able to check your rankings in the main search engines (Google, Yahoo, Msn) for your keywords (niche). For example our keyword is the "perl necklace". This tool will show us, that we are the 125. in Google and 13. in MSN. You can make charts from the performance of your website.

Search Status: this is a small extension for Firefox browser. If you installed, you can check easily your backlinks to your site.

Conclusion: you need a lot of quality one way links, because link building is the most powerful tool to place your site in a good position in the search engines. You should measure your results, because if you measure something you will be able to improve it.

To your success.

Get your free Link popularity Ebook and other search engine positioning tool from here: http://light-link-building.mybebo.net/

You are welcome to reprint this article on your website or send to your mailing list however all links must stay active.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing of course is the process of writing articles, embedding them with links to your website, and submitting them to the various online directories that accept articles for online publishing. Article marketing in my opinion is one of the best ways to get quality, responsive traffic to your website. However, with article marketing, if you really going to make a full-time income out of it, you have to write prolifically. Many days I write over 20 articles per day. I do not do it because it is fun, I do it because it is lucrative.

I have to admit, it is hard to write 20 articles per day. After I have written about 10 articles, my mind becomes less creative. I think it would be easier to write 20 articles per day, or at least 10 articles per day, if I were writing really long articles, and then breaking them up into smaller articles. But because I do not do that, I have to come up with 10 to 20 new article topics every single day. And that is the most difficult part.

So how do I do it? Or more rightfully so how should you do it?

The first thing to do is to write out 20 article topics at the beginning of the day. That way towards the end of the day, when you get to the 12th article or the 15th article, you do not give up because you are in creative mind, and at this point, cannot come up with any new article titles or topics. This also helps you mentally, because you believe you have not finish the project until you've written at least the 20 articles.

Once I have written 20 article topics, then I begin to write about 300 words about each article topic. I write conversationally, just the way I think about it. I think this makes it easier.

One of the most important things about trying to write 20 articles per day is that you have to be committed to it. You see 20 articles per day times 20 days in the month (I don't work weekends), equals 400 articles per month. If some days you only write 10 articles and some days you only write five articles and some days you don't write any. And maybe a few days you write 20 articles at the end of the month maybe only have 100 articles or 200 articles -- which is much less than half the income from 400 articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.