Bum Squidoo

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Amazing New Steps to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful forms of website promotion especially if you are on a tight budget. If you are decided to use this technique to make your website more popular, establish yourself as an expert on you chosen niche, increase your sales potential, pull up your search engine ranking, and augment your profits, these 4 amazing new steps can help you jumpstart your marketing efforts:

1. Avoid blatant advertisements. This is the common mistake of new marketers. They provide little information about their topics and they talk so much about the features and benefits of their products. This will not in any way help you boost your sales potentials. Why? Publishers do not want to publish articles that sound more like a sales letter because people find them annoying. Besides, your articles must be able to educate and impart knowledge to your potential clients so they will be read and republished by other online users.

2. Do not include links on your articles. If you want to increase your chances of publication, you must make sure that your articles are free from hyperlinks. Publishers will only allow you to insert URL or anchor texts on your resource box.

3. Avoid spelling and grammar errors. If you would like to create a good impression online, you must care to provide articles that are error-free. This will strengthen your credibility and your professionalism.

4. Avoid too much hype on your resource box. While you are allowed to insert URLs on this part, you must not make it sound like an advert. It should only contain your name, your expertise, and your URL. Keep it short, compelling, catchy, and intriguing so you can effectively drive readers to your website.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How I Earned $2012.77 Last Month Writing And Submitting Articles!

Anyone trying to earn a full or second income need to learn how to write a killer article that attract visitors to his bio box and literally force him to click on his link. If you write at least seven articles per week (that's only one per day) and follow these tips, success is almost inevitable.

If your article is interesting then other internet marketers may want to add it to their own website and Ezine publishers may publish your article and the great thing about that is that the link to your website that is in your resource box also gets published.

1. Your title is the most important part of your article as far as being seen by visitors and search engines. You need to write a compelling title with your keywords. I you can, be sure that your keyword is in the first two words of your article.

2. Don't give them all you have yet. You want to be mysterious and leave the article not quite complete so your visitors will have questions unanswered, then they will want to click on your link and visit your website so they can find the rest of the information.

3. Make it easy to read. Most people don't want to read long drawn out articles so if you can sum up what you want with bullet points then your readers will find out very quickly if your information is what they are looking for.

4. Briefly tell your readers what they will get or find if they click on the link to visit your website. Put the effort into having a good resource box as this will determine whether your readers will click through to your site.

These four tips will help you to create killer articles that sell your products or services even when you are not in front of your computer.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Internet Article Marketing - Follow What You Love - Or at Least Find Something that Interests You

Is it possible to write about any topic and then convert those readers into traffic and customers that you get credit for? If I am going to be completely honest, it may not be possible to write about any topic, but you might be surprised how, with a little research, you can develop your interests into real business opportunities.

Have you gotten the, *Make money online bug?* Let me be the first to inform you, this disease is fatal. If you could see my face right now, you would see that I am not smiling. The worst part of this fatal disease is that it is a long and painful death with moments of remission that give you a little hope: but don't be fooled, it is just another way it prolongs the agony. Now I am smiling.

Want to build a business online and not die from this disease. Then focus on what I wrote in the first paragraph. Forget all the hype and the buzz, and think about who you are and what kinds of things you have an interest in. First, make a list of 5 words, or phrases (two to four words) that are unique to your topic of interest. Then, go to a Google search page and type in, *keyword tool.* Click on the first listing, and then in the keyword tool, type in your first keyword.

What you will get is a list of hundreds of keywords that others have done searches on related your original 5 words. Make a list of 30 to 50 that make sense to you, fit the topic, and don't use the ones that are twisted up and don't make sense anymore. After you have made your list, do a search for the words, "article directory." You will find a lot of them. Use your judgment and pick which ones you think are the top 3 or 4. Go to these directory sites, you are looking for the ones that allow you to do searches limited to articles within their site.

Do searches on these directories for articles that have been written on your topic of interest. Click on the links at the bottom of these articles. You will find products and services for sale there. Pick a few that make sense to you and seem to be a logical fit for the subject you are going to start to write articles about. Once you have found some products or services that you think are a fit for you and your topic of interest, then go to those sites and see what it takes to sign up as an affiliate for those companies.

First, read the terms of service for those directories so you submit your articles correctly, and then start writing and submitting articles to your list of 3 or 4 article directory sites. If you have made it this far, now you can look into starting a website or a blog and what it will take to pull the rest of the pieces together. Just remember to stick with article marketing as your primary form of marketing. At least now you are not being tossed to and fro by every hype ad, you are working on building something that really interests you. Believe me, you are way ahead of the crowd at this point.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.

Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.

2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.

3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.

4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing

I've written tens of thousands of words for articles and many of my articles are on the Internet through article directories. Although I have only been doing article marketing for a short while, I have found it to assist me in building my list of subscribers.

People who search the internet for information are a targeted audience but are by no means a guarantee to building a list fast unless you write hundreds of articles in a short amount of time. You have to be satisfied to use the strategy of writing articles as a long term effective method of list building and creating credibility.

The downside is if you put too many articles on your website [not Internet through directories] too fast you could end up being blacklisted by the search engines as a suspected spammer. I haven't found this to be the case as yet, but you need be aware of it because see this as a risk.

The way articles work for building your business through directories is sound. When you write an article and submit it to directories you place links back to your website in a resource box [or bio as it is commonly referred to]. Website owners and e-zines writers use these articles as free content for their website or newsletter and their readers have access to your site through the resource box if they wish to read more about the subject you have written about.

This works because article directories require that the resource box is left in place when the article is published. You now have a one way link back to your site on your article in directories and also on other websites and in e-zines. Free advertising is good when it is highly targeted.

If you have a small budget this is an excellent way to go. Membership to article directories is usually free. All you have to do is be prepared to spend time to help yourself in the marketing game.

Is article marketing as good as they all seem to say? I don't believe so unless you have no other options available to you. Sure, you have to be involved in article marketing but it should only be used as one of many strategies to market. It is good to get inbound links to create leads and credibility. However, a word of warning. Don't rely on it to build your business fast without other strategies to support it.

About the author

Dan Cavalli is an entrepreneur and expert on success in small businesses. He teaches essential marketing tactics and sales techniques. Get your copy of Dan's free subscription for Business and Personal Development Tips at http://www.commandobusiness.com/ or for your free 5 day mini-course on "How to Get More Sales in 5 Days or Less" go to http://www.leadbuildingsystems.com

Article Marketing - How To Write A Good Article

Article marketing is not about writing excellent articles. It's about writing good articles. Articles that will intrigue your reader and give them valuable information. This is the art of article marketing. You need to learn that your articles don't have to be works of art in order to become successful.

If you want to write a good article, just stop thinking. Write. Just write. Don't stop and think. Just write. The more that you write, the better you'll become. That's all there is to writing a good article. Don't listen to all the hype telling you how to write your article step by step. This is a waste of time! Just start writing. Your not going to get any better reading a bunch of ebooks telling you how to create the perfect article. This is rubbish! Articles are not suppose to be perfect!

Your article should be made with you own technique. When people read your article, they're not reading about what they're looking for, they're reading about you. If they like you, they'll keep reading and they'll trust you. If they see that your just a machine spitting out information, they won't come to you. They have to know that your human and that you have a personality. This personality shows in your writing. When you write, your hands write what's in your soul and you write your passion into your articles. This is how the real article marketers make their money. They create an article that is unique and their own work of art. This makes the article good.

So if you want to make a good article, just start writing. Start writing and soon you'll catch onto your writing technique. This technique will bring you to success.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com