Bum Squidoo

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SEO Elite - A Review To Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a way of increasing the quantity of web site traffic from search engines through organic search results of queries that users enter into the search box. The earlier a web page is shown in the search results can normally lead towards higher rankings of a keyword and more visits to the page are a result. SEO Elite can be one way to achieve fast indexing of a web page.

  • How to achieve high ranking keywords:
  • The "SEO Elite" tool is one of many ways to achieve high ranking, this tool will allow you to analyze your competitors onpage and offpage optimization in various ways. Another great tool is Keyword Elite which not only allows you to create a extensive list of thousands of keywords in minutes, but lets you know exactly how easy it is to optimize a keyword, which keywords pay the most - for Adsense Publishers and so much more.

    High Alexa ranked web sites is another huge factor in gaining the high ranking you desire as these create a trust factor which is passed down to the link contained within the document. Page Rank is another factor, it's been said that the Page Rank of a document doesn't really help in your keyword ranking, but really this is another trust factor that is assigned to a page in a form of importance. The more important and relevant a page is, the higher the page rank is assigned to it. A Page Rank can also be achieved by having a web site or page link coming off a high PR page, approximately a share of 85% of this value is passed down to the links on that page. The fewer links on this page the more of the page rank is shared to the destination url.

    Backlinks is one of the most important aspects of gaining high keyword ranking. The more you have pointing to a page the higher you will rank. The technique used is to use anchor text links where the text link will be your keyword and or phrase you are hoping to rank for. It's important not to use the same anchor text links all the time and make variations of this text to make it look more like a natural way a person would use. Using too many of the same links just doesn't look natural.

    SEO Elite will help you find link partners through various sources. It also allows you to find relevant web sites that you can ask for back links. Or find one way back links or two way - reciprocal links from partners from Link Directories, another good way to achieve fast indexing of a page.

    Another important factor to high keyword ranking is taking close attention to the title of the page that you wish to get a one way back link - the most powerful of all links. Search engines work off relevancy and a trust factor. When you're looking for back links, try to find web site pages that contain the phrase or keyword you want to achieve highly searched ranked positions. Taking your time working out a plan using SEO Elite and Keyword Elite will make the difference between ranking highly and not at all.

    I Class myself as an intermediate Search Engine Optimizer. I've just started my new SEO Forum and I'm currently in the middle of creating an e-book on how to achieve 1000+ visitors a day using SEO tools and simple onpage optimization techniques, a SEO Elite Review can be seen here. I welcome anyone to my forum to ask any questions about Search Engine Optimization.

    Article Submission Secrets - How to Write a 100% Accurate and 100% Boring Title for Your Articles

    How you submit your articles determines how often they will be picked up and used on the internet. Taking the time to learn how to submit your articles well will dramatically increase your prospects and profits.

    How to create an accurate and boring article title

    The purpose of an article title is just like the purpose of a headline in a newspaper, to capture the readers attention and cause them to want to read further. In a desire to be accurate, many writers provide an accurate title that is dull. This is a shame because even if the information in the article is really good, it will not be read because the title is boring.

    For example, the title for this article could have been "How to Avoid Writing Titles that are Boring." No one is going to want to read that article because the title is boring.

    How to create an accurate and compelling article title

    The good news is you can be accurate and compelling at the same time. And every now and then you can throw in some humor as well.

    For example, you will find that the title for this article, "Article Submission Secrets - How to Write a 100% Accurate and 100% Boring Title for Your Articles" is accurate. It is also compelling because I am focusing on what not to do, which attracts the reader, and implying that I will also tell you how to write great titles as well.

    The formula goes like this - Keywords - Benefits - Keywords. Start out with your keywords, feature a benefit and use your keywords again if you can. And it always helps to add a little humor as well.

    And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

    From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

    SEO CodeBreaker - Topic 3 - Keyword Research

    Well let's discuss the videos for Topic 3 of the upcoming SEO CodeBreaker. If people want to get search engine traffic and excellent SEO rankings then this section is the way to truly start it off. Topic 3 is, in my opinion, one of the most important facets of this program. Why? Because Keywords make or break a website. Google and every search engine uses them to generate website traffic by indexing relevant information based on the keyword used on said engine. Thus this part is essential. If you did your Market Research then you will know that this part is tightly knit to it. They go hand in hand because you will need to do first your Market Research immediately followed by Keyword Research and even use the first to leverage the second.

    1. Keyword research. The importance of keyword text matching and how it can determine what your page is about.

    - This is an explanation of how search engines use keywords to look up relevant information. If you put car insurance in Google the pages displayed will be about car insurance. This is fundamental to understand in order to use long tail keywords. It is also imperative to get a feel of how ones competitors uses the keywords in the market you have previously researched.

    2. Keyword research tools. Using the right tool to build your keyword list is critical.

    - This section is very useful. Most people would recommend using a keyword tool to build the keyword list. Charles approach is similar but with a different ideology behind it. He includes all of the best keyword tool options out there both paid and free ones.

    3. The short and long tail of keywords. Understanding how you can leverage your keyword list to find high ROI keywords with the long tail.

    - Another important part. If you intend to generate free website traffic then you need to understand the subtle difference between short tail and long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are much more profitable in the long run and Charles points out all the reasons why. So if you want those SEO ratings in earnest then master building long tail as well as using short tail keywords.

    4. Picking the best keywords. How to find some overlooked gems by combining keywords and using misspellings.

    - This is very important. Most people get their keywords on Adwords, settle down for a general term and then loose money instead of making money as they bid higher and higher. Charles teaches how to set up your keywords and create a database. But more importantly he teaches how to use misspellings to leverage your free website traffic.

    5. How to use keywords in your sales copy and how to determine the best keywords in 24 hours or less. Learn how to weave your keywords into your sales copy for maximum exposure . Plus how to determine the absolute best keywords to use in 24 hours with a simple technique.

    - You want to know about this section. Its the sales letter that makes the conversions most of the time. So this is where you need your most optimal keywords from your previous research. Charles teaches how to, in a natural way, weave keywords without over spamming them and still getting the effect you need.

    6. Relevant keywords to use and how to use the keyword in your domain. Understanding how to use keywords that are relevant to your web site is critical. How to include your keywords into your domain name for maximum exposure.

    - Make sure you have relevant keywords for your site but moreover understand how to use the keywords with the goals of your site. For example don't use the keyword free if you are trying to go for a sales. Learn how to weave your keywords with your domain. Adding this to the next Topic and the previous Market Research is fundamental.

    To learn more about SEO CodeBreaker visit http://seocodebreakerjv.blogspot.com To learn more about the author visit http://www.myspace.com/ice0degree

    The Google Sandbox - Want to Catch It By the Horns? Part 1

    The Google sandbox is like an enemy worth loving. As a webmaster/ SEO do you have any other option? If you want to generate traffic, you just cant ignore Google!

    But first the primeval question. Does the Google sandbox really exist? The answer to this question is tricky at most times; there are conflicting opinions and no straight answers.

    The majority opinion: Google sandbox definitely exists

    The minority opinion: Many search engines veterans firmly believe that the sandbox theory is a figment of imagination from the Black Hat SEO

    However, the exact positioning is somewhere in-between the YES and NO of the Google sandbox theory. Thats because there are strong indicators towards both the ends.

    The YES Google sandbox exists theory

    Proponents of this theory point out the fact that any new website (with a newly registered domain name) gets listed on Google after a delay of around six months, although the same website starts showing up on other search engines almost instantly The question they ask is why?

    What gives more credence to this theory is the fact that many purely White Hat SEOs have admitted that they too have faced this problem. So, the moot point here is if you are doing everything in a purely ethical manner, why isnt your website showing up on Google? The answers to these questions are hard to come by, albeit they form the foundation of the NO theory.

    The NO Google sandbox doesnt exist theory

    Many of those who advocate this theory are in fact industry veterans, having years of experience in dealing with the search engines. The major points they have put forth against the sandbox theory pertains to the reasons why the websites dont show-up on Google and they are:

    • Application of unethical techniques like
      • Reverse engineering of the search engine algorithms, trying to find the errors in it and then exploiting it for their own cause.
      • Link farming
      • Creation of duplicate content
      • Keyword stuffing
    • Lack of knowledge up-gradation: Search engine algorithms change quite often and thats why the techniques to be employed need constant fine tuning. To be successful as an SEO, you need to intricately understand the changing algorithms and its significance. But, what most SEOs do is; believe in what they do and when the results dont come-up to the expected levels, they blame the Google sandbox.
    In short, the Google sandbox theory is portrayed as a way employed by less competitive SEOs to cover up their in-competencies.

    There seems to be truth on both ends, but our focus should be on the ways to get the website listed as soon as possible and to that end it's pertinent to note here that all is not lost as there are certain ways by which you can minimize the sandbox effect.

    To be continued in part 2.

    About The Author

    Search Engine marketing expert, Tarun Gupta is one of the most prolific writers in the internet marketing domain with his articles being published in numerous websites and newsletters. He is the founder and director of web development and SEO Services Company =>http://www.BrainPulse.com

    How To Write Your Resource Box To Get People To Click

    In this article you will read how to solve a big problem for effective article writing and marketing and be provided with an easy solution that works.

    I get dozens of questions everyday from people asking how to improve their sales using their resource box at the end of every article submitted.

    There is NO one single formula. You really need to test, test and test again.

    As your potential customers read through your article they will arrive at the resource box at the end of it.

    This is where most article marketers fall short. Yet, it's a vital aspect because without a compelling resource box aka bio you are simply wasting your valuable time.

    If you have a website about puppies and dogs you could write an article about "3 Fantastic Ideas On How To Train Your Puppy Within Minutes".

    When your reader gets to the end of your article they will see the resource box and a link to your site.

    You want them to click on the link and see what you have on offer on your site. This could be items for dogs and puppies, books or services such as dog training, dog-sitting etc.

    You are probably asking "What should be in the resource box to make it more effective"?

    Here is the simple answer to a problem most people have.

    The resource box usually contains the name and a brief description of the author. It should also have a short description of the site and a link to the site.

    Just as the article needs to "grab you by the arm" so does the resource box in order to grab the attention of the reader.

    Here are two very important aspects you need to remember to be effective.

    1. The resource box is small and will be limited in the number of words that can be used. Therefore, it's important to use the right keywords and entice the reader to click on the link and visit your site.

    2. Every person that clicks that links and visits your site is a potential customer. As there is so little space you need to learn about proper keywords that people are searching for.

    There are plenty of free keyword tools online that can help you to determine what the best keywords are for your niche.

    In your resource box make sure you are as creative as you can be and make the most of the space that is available to you.

    You always want to make sure that you capture your reader's attention so that they visit your site to look into your product and or service that you provide.

    When you use the proper content and trigger their imagination you can make them intrigued enough to click on your link which leads to the desired outcome.

    Always be sure that you use keywords and phrases that are targeted to your type of site and do not try to mislead your potential customer.

    If your site is about golf and golf tips and you only deal with one particular brand then make sure you make that known in your bio.

    Once you realize that you only have one chance to create a lasting impression and to grab your reader, you will never again underestimate the potential of the proper 'grab you by the arm' resource box.

    Even if it's very small, it can still be a very powerful way of driving quality visits to your niche site.

    A boring resource box will not help you at all and will not produce the amazing results that you could get which means lost sales for all your hard work.

    Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Get $197 of F-R-E-E Videos, Audios, Squeeze Pages, Keyword Tools and Content by Subscribing to a FREE Trial of "Bum Marketing Wiz 15 Day eCourse". at: http://freereport.bummarketingwiz.com/


    Instant Article Submission Strategies To Explode Your Website Traffic!

    When we design and build our websites we work hard to make sure our site looks great, the font matches throughout the page, the colors work together rather than competing with one another. We want our readers to enjoy our website and come back. Most importantly we want our sites to make money. It's amazing how little thought we often put into actually getting visitors to our site in the first place.

    There are many options for driving traffic to your site. Some of them are quite costly and some of them are surprisingly cheap. You have probably heard that writing good quality content is necessary in order to achieve good page rankings and obviously to receive repeat visitors, but did you know that by writing unique articles and submitting them to content sites with your byline and website address you are accomplishing two very important advertising strategies?

    First by doing this, you are presenting yourself as an expert in the field. Whether you built your website as a one stop shop for any kind of widget on the planet or if your site is about a very specific widget, writing unique articles about widgets and distributing them to the various content sites that can be found all over the internet will gradually establish you as an authority in the field of widgets. You are also creating links to your website. It's always a good idea to have several incoming links to your website as this information gets picked up by the little bots that decide what your site is worth.

    The important key to remember is that you need to write unique articles. This is critical to your article marketing success. Submitting the same article to many article sites, ezines, newsletters and article directories will destroy your page rank as you fall prey to the "Duplicate Content Filter" Google has implemented, and how other search engines view duplicate content. The more unique articles you can submit, the more they will be accepted by search engines and counted positively towards your inbound links which drive your page rank up. So how can you write hundreds of different unique articles you ask? Through article submission software that can randomly produce unique articles from your original draft. An excellent article submission software resource can be found at: www.articleprosoftware.com. It will randomly submit hundreds of unique articles to it's built in list of real publishers, and you can add your own favorite list later too.

    Second, free advertising. These free content sites are actually quite widely read and the more people that see your article with your byline, the more potential visitors you have to your site. These are much better than going to one of those surfing sites in order to generate traffic and it is much less expensive than beginning a pay per click campaign.

    Ultimately, the more your name is seen in association with widgets, the more credibility you gain in the great big world of widgets. Using a content site to drive traffic to your widget sales site is actually a very intelligent business decision. It's also a good idea to branch out beyond the world of widgets in your content writing. It could be that by writing an article on something that appeals to a broader market will lead to the selling of even more widgets.

    It's really amazing the way things work out. There have been business cards that have made it around the world and finally resulted in a sale. Your sales page is essentially your business card on the web. The more you get people to see your page, the more opportunities you have to make a sale. Putting out unique articles where ever you can think of to do so will result in your article being seen and conversely your website address being seen by a much broader audience. Also by establishing yourself as the quintessential widget expert in many circles, you've 'branded' yourself, and people will think of your name when they think of widgets. Way to go!

    -Craig S. Andrews

    Drive more traffic to your site through article submission. Article Pro Software will increase your effectiveness to your URL promotion by 1875%. After proven tests, Article Pro Software will retain the inbound links generated through it's unique article submissions. To find out more about it's powerful features, visit: http://www.articleprosoftware.com

    A Guide for Getting Links

    Look at links as online votes for your website. The more votes you get, the more popular your website is viewed by search engines and you enjoy higher rankings.

    Each of those votes can have different ranks. If you get linked to from a very popular site more of that strength is passed on to your site. Just like running for office in the real world. Getting that backing from a labor union is much more valuable than getting your next door neighbors vote.

    So how do you get these links? There are several different ways and many different search engine gurus that will give you their particular spin on it. I say make it simple. Get the links you want by asking for them.

    Sending out a couple hundred thousand emails asking for a link would not only be considered spam. It would also be ignored by the webmasters that received the email.

    A more effective way of getting links to your website is through directories. Quality directories categorize and review websites for a small fee. Then after a successful review the directory will list your website with a link. This is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to get links to your website. These are the popular places to request links.

    A secondary way to get inbound links is by authoring articles and submitting them to online websites that publish articles. If the article is good and gets accepted you can get a link back to your website within the resource box.

    Something that you should remember when building links is many bad links dont equal one good link. Remember that links dont carry the same weight as we previously discussed.

    Link building is also a very hands-on process. It takes time and is never truly complete. As long as you have a website that you want to remain popular, you will need to be working on building links to your site.

    Consider these tips a starting point for a good link building campaign. There are some other methods, but the ones listed are highly effective and where most focus.

    The path to an web presence for your website begins at The Authority Directory Submissions page. Take a minute to look at The Authority Shopping Directory and any other sections of interest.

    Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing Discoveries to an Effective Article Marketing

    In marketing where articles are utilized, the most impacting to the potential clients is the article material itself. It is therefore a necessity to come up with an article that you know will create a positive impact to your expected readers and from there market and promote whatever it is that you want to advertise. Below are some of the amazing discoveries on how you can come up with an effective article marketing:

    1. When creating an article, always think about how potential readers would perceive your writing. This means that you need to anticipate in the future the initial reactions of these people. You will clearly understand this when you are able to put yourself into their position.

    2. In writing, it is always advised that you avoid the usage of unnecessary foreign expressions like Latin expressions such as et al., and e.g. These expressions can basically confuse the readers. The usage of such expressions in article writing may be allowed when you know in general the kinds of people who will be reading your material, although even when this is given, a little restriction is still imposed in the usage of such.

    3. Know when to use and avoid technical jargons. These terms are specifically designed for types of people with a special set of skills. The usage of such terms on your article can bring confusion to your others readers who are not very familiar with the terms.

    4. Eliminate any gaps in the presentation of logic. Every idea that you are presenting should be built logically on the preceding ideas. Readers should not be left hanging and begins to ask questions.

    5. Always make use of concrete words and phrases rather than too generalized ones. This will make it a lot easier for your potential readers to have a clear grasp on what you are pointing at.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

    Article Submission Strategies - Which of These 3 Article Submission Mistakes Are You Making?

    Article marketing requires that you submit your articles to the article directories. While article submission seems like a relatively simple process, there are many mistakes that can be made, and you might not even know you are making them.

    The most common article submission mistakes

    Let's take a look at the three most common article submission mistakes and what to do instead.

    1. Confusion between where you submit your articles vs. how you submit your articles - In my experience, while where you submit your articles is important, how you submit them is much more important. You can submit your articles to the top directories, not submit them well, and not get much response. You can submit your articles to less popular directories, submit them well, and get a great response.

    2. Having no article submission strategy - Most article writers approach submitting their articles with the strategy of getting it done and over with as quickly possible. This is a bad strategy. You want to take your time and have a strategy that uses your keywords in all five article submission fields in the article directories.

    3. Not automating your article submission process - No, I am not referring to having a service submit your articles to hundreds of directories. Again, that is where you submit your articles, or article distribution. What I am talking about is using automation tools to speed up the process of submitting your articles. You can use software such as short keys lite to type in content that you use over and over for your keywords. In EzineArticles you can have up to three resource boxes pre-programmed and ready to choose and use from the drop down box.

    I invite you to use these article submission strategies.

    And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

    Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

    From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

    Niche Marketing - Tips to Help You Find a Profitable Niche Market

    There is lots of material online that talks about the pros of niche marketing and also on how to find a profitable niche online. Hunting down small online niches could prove to be profitable especially to small businesses. While this is true, many still overlook the need to expand their search to uncover new unexplored market niches.

    Anyone who has done some form of niche marketing would immediately know that keyword research is crucial for any success. Overture, GoodKeywords and WordTracker are some useful free tools people often use. Some have tried using Google to search and verify the amount of keyword competition for targeted keywords. Many have the impression that once this is done and the niche found, they can quickly build their site around them and income will start pouring in.

    Sad to say, that is not the end of your work. To really break into profitable niches, you have to research deeper. Fortunately, there are tools to assist you. If you have never come across or have the slightest inkling about using them, you are missing out big time on potential gold niches. Here is a list of 3 ways to expand your search:

    1. Make sure of online auctions like eBay to get an idea of the hot sellers. You would also discover popular categories and from observations gather what are the possible sub-niches you could get into. From the bid prices, volume of sales and other market data from eBay, you would be able to study the market and find hot sellers. Do not miss out the auctions when you do niche marketing.

    2. Other websites such as social networking sites like Groups Google and Meet Up are fantastic places also to find out what are your prospects' interests. Even in forums, read what people are writing about and see what the categories that get the most attention are. This can really reveal a lot about niches you may have missed out previously.

    3. Once you have a rough idea of a probable general niche, you would need to narrow your search. Read online news on the subject and see what are the news that get the most views. Go through websites on the subject such as article directories like EzineArticles to get an idea of what topic is getting the most reads.

    As a rule of thumb, as long as a website enjoys high traffic and discusses a wide range of topics are excellent places where you can use as a powerful niche marketing resource. Other than traditional keyword research tools, exercise some creativity and be adventurous in looking around for more market research grounds. Coming up with new methods of researching can take you to new undiscovered niches that other niche marketing experts may have overlooked.

    Take a look at a powerful tool mentioned in my income blog that can be used to build income pumping websites based on these topics discovered from your niche marketing research.

    Steal a peak at Niche Empire Generator today! Read this for more niche marketing secrets.

    Article Directories And Directory Submission Guidelines I

    The directory submission guidelines of the various article directories are a frequently ignored part of article marketing, especially when submissions are being made automatically by software or subscription sites.

    You must read the submission guidelines of every individual article directory, and make sure that your article conforms to them. Failure to do this could result in your article being rejected, and this could have an effect future submissions. Not only this, but you should be aware of each directorys policy on HTML formatting that varies from directory to directory. Let us examine some typical article directory submission guidelines

    Unless they are specialized directories, submissions should normally be made in English. Some directories are specifically designed for non-English languages and if you intend to write in a language other than English first carry out a search for suitable directories and their scope of publication. Some may limit the topics and other may be published in only a limited number of countries. However, even if your native language is English, it might be worthwhile having your article translated into another language in order to extend your exposure in countries such as China.

    You generally must not submit the same article multiple times to different categories. This is spam and not only will your article not be published, but all of your articles could be banned from specific directories.

    Some directories allow URLs to be included in the body of the article and others only in the bio box, often called the authors resource box. Some directories allow several URLs, and some only one. If the directory does not allow any, then do not use it since you have no way of advertising your website!

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

    Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

    Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

    Bum Marketing Methods - How To Make Money By Doing Nothing

    You are probably wondering what bum marketing is, and how you can make money from it yourself. It is quite simple really, all you need to do is find an affiliate program you like, and then promote it using free outlets such as Squidoo or Blogger. By creating a web of interconnected articles marketing your products as well as your other articles, you will gain organic traffic quickly and easily. By using article marketing you allow your articles to be picked up by giants such as Google and Yahoo without actually dedicated all that much time or resources to building backlinks as you would need to if you planned on starting your own website.

    Bum marketing is based off keyword research, you need to find a niche and work from there. Gurus will pick the highly competitive niches as they will yield the highest results if they are done correctly but for new bum marketers it is a far better idea to start small. Find a niche that isn't overly competitive that has products to be sold. This can take time, you need to do research to determine what markets are flooded with affiliate marketers and which aren't, a good way to determine this is to do a Google search for keywords you would like your bum marketing articles to target. If there is a full page of Google AdWords results (11 sponsored links) then you most likely will not fair too well to begin with in this niche. Finding the right niche can be hard but once you do you should stick with it and watch the profits soar. Once you have a niche, all of your articles, webpages, sales pitches, etc. will become relevant to each other, and through this relevancy you can increase traffic and sales conversions across the board as you target new keywords. The key to bum marketing is getting organic traffic. While there are millions of marketers that manage to make money without organic traffic (traffic that comes naturally from search results as opposed to paying for advertising) you will need a solid base of organic traffic.

    My personal steps for using bum marketing on various products:

    • Find a niche that isn't overly crowded that you can talk about.

    • Find products within the niche that are the right price and quality so that they will lead to sales and therefore commissions.

    • Research keywords that could be used to search for that specific product as well as general keywords that people would search for that may be willing to buy the product.

    • Build a Squidoo lens or a Blogspot blog for the product giving an unbiased review (I never sell products that don't work well, I refuse to scam people for money).

    • Build backlinks for the lens or blog, typically with a little bit of article marketing and purchasing a social bookmarking package from a SEO firm.

    • Promote products using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace, especially MySpace.

    • Watch the commissions roll in as I hit the front page of Google and Yahoo, and find ways to expand my product line using traffic from various sources.

    Bum marketing or even affiliate marketing in general is not for everyone. In order for it to work, you must be patient, there is no other option. I started using bum marketing a few months back and now it is already paying large dividends for me. I'm currently a 19 year old freshman college student yet I am making enough money online to pay for my graduate school as well as a brand new car, hopefully this information will lead to your success as well. For additional resources on bum marketing I would highly suggest checking out some of the links below.

    To increase the visibility of your own web enterprises, consider visiting the following Squidoo lenses:

    Bum Marketing Your opportunity to steal some of my marketing tactics to be on the road to success yourself.

    Social Bookmarking Services to gain backlinks, search engine placement, and traffic.

    LazyURL to optimize your site for search engines and any other online marketing purpose.

    Amazing Article Marketing - 4 Maximum Steps to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

    If you are looking for effective and inexpensive way of promoting your website, you ought to give article marketing a try. This is considered one of the best traffic-generating techniques and site promotion tools in the internet today that has given numerous webmasters increased online revenue. This method requires you to write and distribute your articles across all points of the internet so you can connect better to your target market from all over the world.

    If you are ready to get started, take these 4 maximum steps that can help you jumpstart your article marketing:

    1. Know your target market. This is one of the most crucial elements that can guarantee you success in article marketing. The more you know about your potential clients, the more effective you will become in producing articles that are targeted to their wants, needs, and preferences.

    2. Know the elements that make an article truly outstanding. Your articles must be able to generate attention online so you can drive readers to your website. So what makes an article truly amazing? It must have attention-grabbing title, equally compelling first paragraph, it must be informative, content-rich, well-written, accurate, direct to the point, short, scannable, written in a conversational tone, and it must be free from any type of errors. If you can consistently produce articles that contain all these elements, you are guaranteed to reap success online.

    3. Understand the rules set forth by article submission sites. You would like your articles to be accepted the first time you submit them, don't you? To minimize the chances of your articles being rejected, you must know and follow the terms of service of various publishing sites.

    4. Understand the algorithms of search engines. This is to make sure that your articles will be indexed and fare well on related searches.

    Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

    Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    Targeted Article Marketing - Latest 5 Interesting Steps to Increase Your Article Marketing

    Writing and distributing articles over the internet can really increase not only your website traffic, but ultimately your sales potential. This is one method, that when done perfectly, can bring you enormous profits and unbelievable success.

    1. Decide what product to promote. If you are most webmasters who are offering various but related products, you must be able to identify one product in mind when writing a specific article. For instance, if you are selling laptops, desktops, computer accessories, and computer warranties, you need to create at least one article per product to better promote them.

    2. Leave your readers wanting for more. This approach is especially effective for webmasters who are selling ebooks, reports, or e-courses. How does it work? First you write articles that are deemed useful to your target market but purposely make them incomplete. Leave the most important part out so can pique the curiosity of your readers and leave them wanting for more. This curiosity usually leads to purchases!

    3. Make your articles about tutorial or tip list. These are the type of articles that are most read by online users because they are easy to follow and understand and they are relatively easy on the eyes.

    4. Make your articles useful. They must contain relevant information that targets your readers' needs and wants. Strive to give your potential audience with data that are not commonly seen on other websites. When you are able to provide useful, unique, and quality content, you will surely establish a strong readership in no time.

    5. Publish your articles to various publishing sites, ezine directories, announcement lists, on your blog and other avenues to give your articles great online exposure.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

    Article Marketing Resource Box - Your Key To Free Targeted Web Traffic

    Article Marketing continues to be one of the most effective methods to drive free targeted traffic to your website. Unlike pay per click advertising, writing effective articles can bring you traffic for years to come. The best way to receive your free targeted traffic is to presell your reader without really selling them.

    So, you have just written a great article and submitted your article to all the leading article directories. Within a week or so you can't wait to start seeing the results of your hard work. As time passes by, not much happens and you might think that, "this article marketing isn't for me".

    As an article directory owner, I often see some well-written articles that I am certain will do the writer absolutely no good. The article content could be very good but there is no call to action at the end. Many times in the article resource box I see just a link, or something like: John Doe is the author. What good did this do for John? You had the reader in the palm of your hand and you forgot the purpose of writing your article. You just gave the article directory free content, but you didn't get your free traffic. Thank You!

    Ultimately after you have gained the interest of your reader, you should end with a strong conclusion. When you reader is finished they will want more information. This is where a well-written resource box comes to play. Your marketing article gives your reader a taste of the benefits and your resource box should be used to show them where they can get more information.

    Lets say you have just written an article on fishing. An example of a well constructed resource box might be something like this: If you enjoyed this article, you might also enjoy How To Catch Monster Northern Pike and more articles on How To Catch More Big Fish!

    If your article is well written, you'll be guiding your highly targeted visitor towards clicking on a product offer or subscribing to your newsletter at the end of that article. Chose your hyperlinks in your resource box carefully. In the example above, your resource box is giving you two keyword rich links to your website from one article. First of all you want your reader to click on your hyperlink. The second benefit of using keyword rich links in your resource box is for the huge amount of back links that you web site will receive.

    Your resource bio info can attract free website traffic by highlighting your expertise and anything you are particularly marketing with a link to relevant pages. People who wish to publish your article on their website or in their ezine must agree to keep your resource information intact.

    The keys to successful article marketing are to write well and write often. You cannot simply write one or two articles and expect them to make a difference to your business. Articles are a great way to generate free website traffic but you have to submit articles regularly. The result is exponential. A good rule of thumb is "an article a day will make articles pay." Having said this, make sure your resource box is written well and has links to relevant pages on your website. A great article is one that's converts to traffic!

    Learn how article leverage will give you the most article marketing visibility for your articles. Submit your articles TopRank Article Directory to maximize your web traffic.

    Article Marketing - What Is The Magic Number Of Articles To Be Successful?

    This is a question that I get asked many times by people. How many articles do I need to write to be successful with article marketing. Now let us look at some key considerations that are important to be successful with this method of marketing.

    When you are first starting out it is going to be difficult to write one article a week. For most people writing does not come easily. So it is very important that you focus on doing one article a week. Once you become good at this you can increase this number to two a week.

    Over time you will become very good at writing at you will be able to write five articles a day. Then you can gradually increase this and you will be writing ten articles a day.

    So back to the original question. How many articles should you have written to start seeing measurable results. You need at least two hundred and fifty articles to start seeing good results and determine if you are progressing with your article marketing. If you were thinking of only writing a few articles sorry to disappoint you.

    So what is the magic number of how many articles that I need to write? You need to write as many as possible. You see the more articles you have in distribution with the article directories the higher the number of readers of your articles. This equals more subscribers and more paid customers. Knowing this information once you become good at writing you may want to write at least ten articles a day.

    Hopefully this information will motivate you to write more articles so that you can increase your business.

    Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

    Here's the answer:

    Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

    Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

    Article Submission Secrets - 4 Things to Never Ever Do in the Resource Box of Your Articles

    Here are 4 things to never ever do in your article resource box.

    1. Don't put your phone number in there, and don't put your email address in there. If they want to contact you, get them back to your website or your blog, where they can email you or contact you.

    2. The second thing not to do - and this sounds crazy, folks, but I've read articles where they've written about let's say gardening, and the resource box has invited them back to their race car site. I'm making up those categories, but the examples were as disparate as that. That makes no sense at all. Don't do that.

    3. The other thing I've seen people do is put in what I call diverse domains in their resource box. You're allowed three active links back to your website or blog. If you've got multiple niches, fine, if you can handle them all. I've found over the last couple years that my business grew as I narrowed from multiple niches into one niche in article marketing.

    Let's say you've got a niche in relationships and you're also an expert on civil war history, and you've written an article on relationships and there's a link in your resource box to your relationship site, but then you also throw one in there to your site on civil war trivia.

    Huh? I guess that might be connected if you want to call some relationships a civil war, but basically those would be called diverse domains.

    4. Here's the number one thing to never ever do in your resource box, and the one I see people trying to do the most, and that's trying to convince the reader in your resource box that you're the expert.

    Now that sounds like a good use of a resource box. You want to list all your accomplishments and all your awards all the way back to first grade. But guess what, if you have not convinced the reader in your article that you're an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box.

    They are probably not even going to be reading it anyway, because if you haven't demonstrated that you know what you're talking about in your article, it's very unlikely they're going to be reading your resource box.

    And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

    You can also catch a free audio recording of a recent teleseminar on "Resource Box Secrets" by going to http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com/rb

    From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

    How To Be An Online Marketing Genius

    "Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is ... so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding." -- Abraham-Hicks

    Most of us wish we were geniuses but almost none of us feel that we are. Society tells us that the Einsteins of the world come along maybe once in a generation.

    But you are a genius - we all are. At what? At being you. And that may be enough to help you create online success. Why?

    Ever look around on the web and find that most online businesses are, well . . . boring? Loud? Obnoxious? And definitely unappealing? Ten-page ads are NOT appealing. Empty promises of making thousands of dollars in a few weeks - appealing, but not very realistic. This mass of unappealing web content is the result of people trying to be the model of success - but these people have forgotten to be themselves.

    At the other end of the spectrum, look at what's really a success online: social networking. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook. What's that all about? These sites are about people being themselves. They show themselves as they really are--grungy, attractive, silly, sad, and smart by turns. Other people are really attracted by that authenticity.

    Some MySpace users have over 1.5 million friends. Count 'em. Yup, we said millions. What are they doing? Nothing but putting a spotlight on who they are. They are geniuses at being themselves, and that attracts.

    You are also a genius at being you. So if you want to attract people online to your business, be the genius that you are. Don't hide your personality under a bush or cloak it in a lot of "expert" bull-pucky. Express yourself!

    Whether you write articles, author a blog, put up a page on MySpace or post a YouTube video, the germ of success for you lies in your own genius.

    The age of the guru is over. The age of "people like me" is here, now. People want to interact with people like them, people like you.

    Whoever you are and whatever you're situation, write about it so people can connect with you. Connecting is as simple as letting people know not just who you are, but how you are. Describe your situation and BE HONEST. Are you a mom stuck at home dealing with dirty diapers and toilet training but longing for some time and money for yourself? Then say so. If you haven't washed your hair in three days because you don't have time to, but you really want enough time and money to hire a babysitter, dress up for a few evenings of adult conversation and wine ... then blurt it out!

    If people can have 1.5 million "friends" online talking about their most recent fight with their boyfriend or a bad day at work, just think of what you can do with your home-based business by just being you? Blog, submit articles, write reviews, set up a business website, get a MySpace page ... whatever. Just don't lose your personality along the way.

    As Coco Chanel, the grande dame of fashion, once said:

    "How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."

    Stephanie Yeh and her business partner, Leta Worthington, are the Pajama Mamas, XanGo independent distributors and founders of No Brainer Networking, the network marketing site for people who hate to network (and want to earn a profit in their pajamas!). The Pajama Mamas have over 2 decades of success in networking marketing. Learn more and access free home-based business resources at http://www.nobrainernetworking.com/visit

    Internet Marketing Articles - Mistakes 90% of New Authors Make - Do You Want Success or Failure?

    Are you new to Internet marketing? Have you just started to discover article directories? By now, you have probably heard about this cost effective way of generating targeted traffic to your website or blog. I am here to tell you, that spending some time and mastering this technique can be very lucrative.

    One of the first things you should do is read the rules. These are usually referred to as the, *Authors Terms of Service.* The best article directories have real people read and approve every article before they publish it. There are two important advantages to knowing the rules.

    One, you don't waste your time. If you submit an article and it gets rejected, you'll have to redo parts of it one or more times. You have just wasted a bunch of time - time you could have written another article with, or just taken the rest of the day off. It probably won't take long to get discouraged if you are having these types of problems.

    Two, there are levels of membership with some of the better article directories. How they determine if you are ready to achieve the next level of membership is by the quality of your articles. In part this is determined by whether or not your articles are written within the guidelines of the directory. In other words, if you have to submit your articles more than once, you are probably not ready to achieve the next level.

    By the way, the higher levels of membership receive more privileges. Your articles get approved faster; you can submit more articles, and a few more things. The other advantage of achieving higher levels is that it adds to your perceived level of authority. If your reader knows they are reading an article from a Premier level Expert Author, it adds to their perception of your credentials.

    Hey, every little bit helps. Remember, it is the little things that make a big difference in the long run. The more articles you write the more impact your articles have. This means more targeted traffic and more customers. By the end of the year, if you have written 150 articles and I have written 500, who do you think is going to have the best results? Learn the rules, save time and improve your confidence.

    What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html