Bum Squidoo

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Make Money Online Plug In Profit Internet Marketing

Nothing is sweeter then the reality of the statement: "make money online plug in profit internet marketing". Once you have done it yourself, then you will immediately recognize what that mouthful means! Simply put it is a method of Internet marketing wherein you plug in a money making system, only once, that continues to give you a profit over and over again.

The set up can mean many things. Basically it will be a system you put in place one time, with the ultimate goal leading to a profit in your pocket. All on auto-pilot once the initial work is done. Your only job after that, is to keep targeted traffic flowing to and through this system.

With worldwide Internet usage up by 265.6 % over the last seven years, you can easily see that the supply of eager Internet customers will never run out. And the possibilities of making automated profits are endless. Below you will find a few top money making systems people are using for earning online everyday.

Examples of Plug In Profit Internet Marketing:

You can give away a free ebook tied to an autoresponder system that sends several letters containing helpful tips, articles and gifts related to the free material you gave away. At the bottom of each letter comes your opportunity for plug in profits by promoting a certain affiliate product or even one of your own products. Use a book that has your own links in it to recommended resources for the reader and you increase your chance at earning money with it even more. Not to mention using content you have written yourself in the ebook is even better. You will brand your name in the industry you write about and build the trust of your readers as well.

Another powerful example is a high content blog focused on a niche market, auto-mated with RSS feed content and monetized via contextual advertising such as Google Adsense and carefully laid out ads, to your products and affiliate program offers related to the blog's content. All putting money in your pocket automatically as readers interested in your content visit enjoy your content and make a purchase of the related items on your site.

Viral Marketing is another great way of setting up once and reaping the benefits for many months or even years to come. Create a quality e-book and make it re-brandable for your affiliates or web site visitors then give them give away rights. As they pass it on to others your chance for sales from the links inside increase exponentially.

Write articles and distribute them in article directories, forums and blogs to put them on auto-pilot. At the bottom of the articles put an author resource box promoting one of your products related to the article subject.

Adding an affiliate program is even a good example of this type of marketing. As you build your affiliate numbers and their advertising in turn increases the traffic to your site so will your product sales. You set the affiliate program up once and it grows daily.

Creating membership sites also falls in the above category and quite possibly even qualifies as a better fit, as there will not be near as much maintenance as an affiliate program. You simply set up a member area with quality resources or services available only to those that join. You will earn residual income from the members who join and can even give them a cut of the residual profits for each member they bring in. Many membership sites also feature a higher end product related to the site, known as a one time offer (OTO). This adds even more additional revenue to the mix.

With some experimentation you will find certain methods work better for you then others. Everyone is different and we can't all do the same thing to create a profit for us online. One of the things that makes this such a fascinating line of work.

Which way you choose to create your own make money online plug in profit internet marketing system is dependent on your individual talents, interests and time available to put into setting it up. It is highly recommended that you research whatever you choose to do towards this goal and take the smartest path to it to help reduce the work and time it takes to set it up and minimize losses if you find your particular choice does not work well for you.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

Debbie Ducker is owner of DuckerPromotion.com. Get help with your own success online via her new free e-book "Achieving YOUR OWN Success" For those who desire to achieve greater heights: http://yourownsuccess.duckerpromotion.com

The Most Valuable Skill To Have As An Internet Marketer

The most valuable skill to have as an Internet Marketer is writing. Other people believe that the most valuable skill is email marketing, or sales marketing. But...if you learn the art of writing, then you'd able to write content for your website, write your own ebook, write your autoresponders emails and of course you can write your very own original articles. Articles are a way to get you unlimited traffic to your website by writing short articles related to the subject of that site.

The benefits of writing articles are tremendous. Writing articles creates the traffic you need to make money. And best of all it's free. You can submit your articles to Ezine publishers and article directories, which can expose you to tens of thousands of Internet users. Of the thousands of readers who read your articles, some will click the links in your article, Visit your site, and purchase your products. Articles build trust and credibility. Readers who do click to your site are pre-sold Because they see you as an expert.

Learn how to write articles

When I started writing articles I was overwhelmed by the numerous subjects. Don't start letting yourself come up with the reasons why that could be true for other people but not for you. You can learn to write articles from the beginning to the end. And as you get experienced you will find it more enlightening every day.

There are thousands of resources on the Internet that teaches the skills of writing. Here is a free resource that will teach you the art of writing your own ebook in less than a week. Just send a blank email to get more information to ebkmkec-2108@responsebot.com This will teach you the in's and out's of writing your own ebook, and that's a start for anyone willing to learn copyrighting.

You don't need to write a masterpiece. You can write from 300 to 500 words articles in no time. Your Heading is the most valuable piece of your article. You need to grab the readers attention from the beginning to the end. When people read articles they want information they can use right away. Write about a subject that will be beneficial to the readers.

Submitting your article

After you finish writing your article and decide to submit to the articles directories, make sure you run a spelling check, and check what format is required plain text, html or both. Add a resource box and list your website URL. List your URL both way wrapped and the link itself. Some of the articles directories stripped hyperlinks that are wrapped.

When you submit your articles to Ezines check their publishing guidelines, since they differ from those at the articles directories. Find out what are their guidelines, before you submit your articles. There are utilities to format articles or solo ads for submitting to Ezines the best one I found to be Ezy Ezine Ad Formatter. See my resource box and send me an email for more information.

Don't plagiarize someone's else's work since most of the article directories check for this on the web. You can acquire new articles ideas by visiting the articles banks and FAQ's on various sites on the Internet. Or you can use unbranded articles written by ghostwriters or from membership sites that you belong to.

Pick good keywords

Getting to pick the good keywords is very critical to the success of your article. You need to choose the best keywords and you'll choose the right audience for your article. It means you connect with the most potential targeted traffic on the web, this way you can earn more with your sales, and it's free.

Match the keywords to your article content and you'll reach an audience that wants what you're promoting. Be specific. If you're selling ebooks, use specific keywords like 'how to ebooks' instead of general keywords like ebooks. Someone searching for ebooks could be looking for any kind of ebook, and for many different reasons.

This is what you need to remember, writing articles creates the traffic you need to make money. They build trust and credibility. That there are thousands of Internet resources that teaches writing skills. Choosing the right keywords is critical to the success of your article. The difference between a good article and a mediocre one is often the difference between successful site that earns thousands of dollars a week and one that barely make ends meet.

Article Re-print Rights Information:

Article must be published "as is" (unedited). Article must be published with below the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. URL in the resource box should be set as hyperlinks. Article cannot be used in spam communications Bio paragraph (resource box) below:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pablo Montalvo writes about Internet Marketing in his free newsletter and free ecourses. You can sign up for his free ebook creation ecourse at his website: http://www.greathowtoebooks.com

SEO Copywriting - its Importance in Search Engine Optimization

SEO copywriting, simply put, is a new way of writing content in a way that is search engine friendly.

Search engine copywriting involves framing the contents in a web-friendly manner. A widely prevailing misconception about search engine copywriting is that search engine copywriting is nothing but stuffing the content with keywords to make it rank high in search engines but a hopeless read for visitors in the process. However, the fact is quite dissimilar. In fact, search engine copywriting is the ideal blending of keywords and key phrases to make the content an interesting read to visitors, and search engine friendly.

For aspiring search engine copywriters

If you plan to try your hand at search engine copywriting, you need to take care of some points:

Density of keywords in the content- Search engine copywriting, as opposed to normal copywriting is writing for both search engines as well as human surfers. Hence, a well-planned mixture of keywords and key phrases should be used.

Make a comprehensive keyword research before starting- A webpage is usually optimized for a particular keyword or a group of key phrases. Hence, knowledge of keywords and key phrases in advance will result in faster and easier framing of the content.

Placement of keywords and key phrases-search engines scan the entire page for relevant keywords and key phrases, not just the first paragraph or heading. Hence, the idea should be to make the entire content keyword friendly. The beginning of the page should contain the important keywords as some search engines refrain from reading deep into pages.

Keyword density-This is a serious consideration. Overstuffing the content with keywords and key phrases does not ensure high ranking. In fact, search engines like Google are prompt in penalizing websites with overstuffed keyword content. Ideally, a webpage should be optimized for one or two primary keywords and around five secondary keywords and the ideal density should be 3%.

Length of page: All of your web pages should have sufficient text. The home page is the most important section and should be emphasized upon. As far as word limit is concerned, search engines such as Google, Overture, and MSN prefer pages with number of words between 300 and 500 on your home page and important section pages to assess its keyword relevance.

SEO copywriting is not difficult, but a bit complicated as compared to normal copywriting as the needs of both search engine and human visitors have to be taken care of. Hence, being a little methodical in your approach can bring overwhelming results, something that you had never imagined before.

Anirban Bhattacharya is a journalist/editor in the field of Internet Marketing and internet business as a whole and has written over 300 articles for various websites. The articles are a result of the knowledge he has drawn after performing comprehensive research on promotional marketing. To have a look at other research based articles written by Anirban Bhattacharya please visit SynapseInteractive seo services.

Article Marketing For Profit - How To Build Your Article Marketing Portfolio

When building your article portfolio, it is important to design something that is easy to manage, and also highlights your writing skills in a positive way. Everything from the fonts you choose to how people navigate the site can mean the difference between a sale and a visitor that simply leaves your site.

To begin, you can start uploading your portfolio onto any number of free web hosting service provider sites. If at all possible, you will want to test the finished page from a dial-up server connection to see if the page loads quickly. You will also be able to learn what kinds of popups or other advertisements will greet your potential customer. It may take signing up for several sites before you find one suitable for your needs. On the other hand, you may simply want to purchase webspace and a domain name.

Next, you will want to consider how potential customers will navigate through your site. If you are not a web designer, and do not want to work with HTML, you can hire someone to build the site for you. That said, it is important to choose colors and fonts that will be comfortable for your reader.

When it comes to writing the actual articles, it is Ok to start with just one or two per day. As you develop your skills, you will probably want to take down some items, and put up other ones. In this way, you will also have time to work on articles for your customers, without sacrificing the long term benefits you expect to achieve from having a portfolio.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Writing and Marketing - Choosing Keywords

If you do some or all of your marketing through writing articles and submitting them to free article directories, then this article is a necessity for you. There are a few different theories on how to pick your keywords. Picking keywords can be very important depending on what you want to do with your articles and how you plan to write. Read on to learn how to pick your keywords.

The first method to pick keywords for article writing and marketing is the bum method. This method can be very effective, but can make it a bit difficult to figure out how to write the actual article. The bum method includes choosing a keyword with very little Google search competition that actually gets searched for. The goal with the bum method is to get your article listed on the front page of Google for a search term that has some searches every month.

The second method does not have a name, but basically it is an article writing method that does not include keywords. Some of the gurus believe that you are better of just writing about anything that you know about that can help someone else. The only issue with this method is you are not trying to get listed anywhere, but in the article directories. With this method, though, you can submit your article all over the place and get traffic from tons of article directories.

The last method for article marketing and writing is to use forums to find questions to write about. This method is a good method because if someone asks the question in a forum, then there are probably others that have or will have the same question. You can find a lot of great ideas to write about with this method and the best part is if you don't know the answer to the question you can just read the replies to the question in the forum and find your answer that way.

So, which method should you use when writing articles for marketing purposes? The best answer to this question is to use a combination of these methods. There is traffic to be found with all three of these methods so you should use them all. You will get different traffic from each method so try them all and use them all regularly.

Want to learn more about how to use article writing and marketing to build your online business? Get tons of free targeted traffic to your website here: http://www.FREE-OFFER-SITES.info/articlesqueeze.html

Article Marketing & List Building - 3 Simple & Powerful Steps to Build & Take Care of Your List

The most important asset in your internet marketing and article marketing business is your list.

Let me give you just three steps. One of the things I'm known for is breaking things down to make them as simple and doable as possible. Albert Einstein said things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.

No in no way am I comparing myself to Al, I just really like the quote and think it is useful for our purposes here today.

3 steps to build a list:

  1. Write an article. It gives people good quality information that they can use and results in the reader wanting more good quality information...from you!
  2. In the resource box you invite them back to your website to trade their email address for some more good quality information.
  3. You conduct the trade and they're on your list.

The rest is taking care of your list. The one thing you always want to remember is that your list is made up of people. People with lives, hope, hurts and dreams, hearts and heads.

Here's three words I want you to think about in terms of taking good care of your list:

  • Relationship - You want to create an ongoing relationship with your list.
  • Interaction - To create and build the relationship you need to interact with them. Answer their questions. Ask them what they want to know.
  • Marketing Intimacy - When you take good care of your list, you amplify the know, like and trust factor which results in marketing intimacy.

We do business and spend money with those we know, like, and trust.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network.

Search Engine Optimization - Article Marketing and SEO

With the invention of search engine optimization a new world of advertising possibilities was created!

Article marketing for example is a form of key word marketing that provides a reader the opportunities to click on various hyperlinked words and be directed to another website to gain more knowledge or view products. Article marketing and its impact on SEO has been both negative and positive. SEO is a way that search engines perform pagerankings of websites.

Those websites that use Article marketing are more likely to have more clicks and visitors then those sites that do not use it. I am not saying that it is a guaranteed form of advertising, but it does generate traffic by reaching a larger audience. For one, searches are seeking information and if you site pertains or could aid in information or you could benefit for the information they received why not use article marketing to generate more traffic and promote your site.

The negative result is that it has caused those that do not use article marketing in SEO to not be higher up in the pagerankings. Is that fair? Maybe its not fair, but its a marketing strategy. When marketing anything you should use all the tools at your disposal and in the Internet world one tool is article marketing.

Those sites who use article marketing are reaping the positive rewards of article marketing but since SEO is a from of keyword searches, does that mean that they should be higher in the page rankings when they werent actually searched and found? Each search engine provides a set of rules that they apply by and as long as you follow that article marketing can benefit you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Article Marketing - You Are Missing Out if You Are Missing Article Marketing

If you are spending your hard earned advertising funds on traditional mail or email marketing, or if you constantly working to improve your ranking on search engines with costly and time consuming search engine optimization operations, then you need to discover article marketing. Article marketing is HOT, and there is a reason for that. The reason is simply this: article marketing can generate traffic to your website quickly, effectively, and at little or not cost to you. If this sounds attractive, then read on.

How does article marketing work? It is actually incredibly simple. Many websites have developed that simply provide informative articles on specific or various topics to interested readers. Someone has to write these articles, so why not you? If you have an online business, then select a topic that relates to the products and services you provide. Write a few informative or persuasive articles on that topic, and then distribute them. Most websites that publish such articles will post your article at no cost to you (some may even pay you, although this is rare), and will add a brief biography and a link to your home website at the end. Then, when interested readers finish your article, they are drawn to your website.

Not only is this easy and fast, it also draws only traffic that is truly interested in your products and services, not a bunch of people who are only clicking the link to your site in order to try to receive a free iPod. Frankly, article marketing is one of the most efficient methods of online marketing that exists today. If you are missing article marketing, then you are missing out.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.