Bum Squidoo

Monday, May 12, 2008

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Brand New Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Today, you don't need to be a genius to figure out the best website promotion tool. Because everyone in the internet is raving about article marketing. Everybody is talking about how effective it is in bringing targeted traffic to a particular website and how it is so much easy to do. Anyone who can produce quality articles can succeed in this field and the only thing you have to remember is, you have to be consistent so the flow of traffic to your website will not cease.

Here are some of the top secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Look for other avenues where you can post your articles. Don't be contented with publishing sites, blogs, ezines, and other websites. There are other marketers who are publishing their articles to websites that are syndicated by news aggregators and they get significant traffic because of this.

2. Stick to your topic. How would you like to read an article that talks about eight different topics? It can be downright confusing and annoying, right? So as not to disappoint your readers, make sure that your articles are focus on one central topic. If you have other topics in mind, create other articles for them.

3. Submit only original articles. Publishing sites have the resources to determine if your articles were copied from other site and they will reject your submission. To succeed in article marketing, you must make it a habit to write your own articles not only to respect other people's work but also to showcase your knowledge on your chosen niche.

4. Use easy to understand language and simple words. This is to make sure that your readers will not have difficulty understanding what you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Brand New Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Today, you don't need to be a genius to figure out the best website promotion tool. Because everyone in the internet is raving about article marketing. Everybody is talking about how effective it is in bringing targeted traffic to a particular website and how it is so much easy to do. Anyone who can produce quality articles can succeed in this field and the only thing you have to remember is, you have to be consistent so the flow of traffic to your website will not cease.

Here are some of the top secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Look for other avenues where you can post your articles. Don't be contented with publishing sites, blogs, ezines, and other websites. There are other marketers who are publishing their articles to websites that are syndicated by news aggregators and they get significant traffic because of this.

2. Stick to your topic. How would you like to read an article that talks about eight different topics? It can be downright confusing and annoying, right? So as not to disappoint your readers, make sure that your articles are focus on one central topic. If you have other topics in mind, create other articles for them.

3. Submit only original articles. Publishing sites have the resources to determine if your articles were copied from other site and they will reject your submission. To succeed in article marketing, you must make it a habit to write your own articles not only to respect other people's work but also to showcase your knowledge on your chosen niche.

4. Use easy to understand language and simple words. This is to make sure that your readers will not have difficulty understanding what you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Brand New Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Today, you don't need to be a genius to figure out the best website promotion tool. Because everyone in the internet is raving about article marketing. Everybody is talking about how effective it is in bringing targeted traffic to a particular website and how it is so much easy to do. Anyone who can produce quality articles can succeed in this field and the only thing you have to remember is, you have to be consistent so the flow of traffic to your website will not cease.

Here are some of the top secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Look for other avenues where you can post your articles. Don't be contented with publishing sites, blogs, ezines, and other websites. There are other marketers who are publishing their articles to websites that are syndicated by news aggregators and they get significant traffic because of this.

2. Stick to your topic. How would you like to read an article that talks about eight different topics? It can be downright confusing and annoying, right? So as not to disappoint your readers, make sure that your articles are focus on one central topic. If you have other topics in mind, create other articles for them.

3. Submit only original articles. Publishing sites have the resources to determine if your articles were copied from other site and they will reject your submission. To succeed in article marketing, you must make it a habit to write your own articles not only to respect other people's work but also to showcase your knowledge on your chosen niche.

4. Use easy to understand language and simple words. This is to make sure that your readers will not have difficulty understanding what you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

SEO Marketing Strategies That Propel Website Traffic

In the Internet, SEO marketing is the way to go if you want your business to be seen and noticed. There is such a thing as a SEO marketing specialist who aids clients and website owners in their quest to have bigger sales and more traffic to the site. The Aim of SEO Marketing: SEO strategies has mainly one aim and that is to bring traffic to a certain site. Traffic is seen as prospective buyers and clients of the site owner. Therefore, traffic is a much needed "commodity". Many Internet users visit sites that they have been redirected to or sites that have been presented by search engine results, and they get hooked on these sites. In other words, some users do not specifically seek out that particular site but they might have been led to it by it being in the top ten high ranking sites presented after a search engine query.

Now you see how important getting high ranking is during searches. Sites that rank in the top ten are most likely visited by more users than those that are ranked lower. Many users do not bother to look for more sites if they find what they are looking for in the first few sites presented in a search. This is why many sites employ search engine optimization methods to encourage higher ranking and to achieve successful Search Engine Optimization strategies.

The Value of SEO Marketing: The value of Search Engine Optimization strategies is that people who work to market your site know what they are doing and may be objective about what your site requires. By hiring and working with a Search Engine Optimization marketing expert is also a way of fully understanding how the search engines work and what is needed to meet the requirements of being in the top ten pages of a search engine.

SEO Marketing Tools and Strategies: There are many ways of getting your site in front of many Internet users. These strategies are all included in search engine optimization and website optimization. Most sites are optimized to suit the requirements of search engines. Many search engines index and catalog sites in accordance to the data and information that the site owners have submitted and the data and information that the search engine crawlers have gathered from the web site. The way that the data and information is presented in the site is important and so is the submissions that are given to the search engines. It is the role of the Search Engine Optimization marketing expert to be able to fully recognize the right data and information to supply for the site and submit to the search engines. Search Engine Optimization marketing companies are hiring, at an unprecedented pace, SEO strategies consultants to accommodate the increasing demand for quality SEO strategies experts that can handle search engine optimization and SEO marketing for various sites

Among the many SEO strategy tools that can propel a site to the first page of a search engine result is content. Content that is relevant to the site is what sites need to make it stand out from others that have irrelevant content and improper web design. This is the importance of keyword or key phrases that are integrated ion to the article used for the site. These articles carry the information that robotic crawlers need in order to properly index a site according to what it contains and what it can offer to users. The relevance factor holds true when link building. One way inbound links from relevant sites are extremely relevant.

Search Engine Optimization marketing strategies also include designing the web site in such a way as to make it easier to use and for the texts and images to load quickly. It is important for the web site to be quick loading in order to hold the attention of the users. Sites that take too long to load or have large images that hinder quick access to the texts will most likely be abandoned by the users in favor for a much faster site. Part of SEO marketing is to meet the demands and needs of the people by providing a web site that has relevance and the information that the users need.

The problem with SEO strategies is that there is a fine line of distinction between black hat and white hat methodologies. Some SEO experts employ underhand methods to gain high ranking for their clients' sites. Many overzealous SEO experts might integrate a few well placed codes and hidden texts that could raise the ranking of a certain web site. Human users will not be able to see these codes and text but the spiders and crawlers used by the search engines to help index a site will be able to read these and gather these as relevant information regarding the site. The results of these actions will lead to the site being banned from the search engine and the SEO company might be included with this. It is best to practice white hat methods of SEO marketing to have long lasting results.

Moe Tamani is a SEO Consultant with a leading US based SEO Company.

Top 7 Ways to Increase Article Writing Speed if Internet Marketing Is A Key Marketing Strategy

Has Internet article marketing become one of your primary marketing strategies? Do you have time management issues, but still desire to use this within your marketing plan to eventually achieve sales goals? These 7 tips may help you to increase your writing speed.

  1. Select Top 7 to 10 Tips as Your Category: This category allows for quick articles because the format is simple and consistent. Opening paragraph, 7 or 10 tips and closing paragraph.
  2. Have a Collection of Key Words Printed Out: Since your tips may cover several different key word areas such as Internet article marketing, time management, marketing plan and article writing all key words within this article.
  3. Write brief Introductory Paragraph: Pen in a short, 2 sentences, introduction paragraph. You can always expand later. The key here is to spend less time.
  4. Briefly Write Down Each Tip: Capture in writing each tip. Again, do not expand the tip with additional writing.
  5. Compose Brief Closing or Summary Paragraph: Write a short, 2 sentences, closing or summary paragraph.
  6. Do a Word Count: After you have completed steps 3 through 5, do a word count. By this time you should have somewhere between 100 to 125 words or almost 50% of your article completed if the goal is 250 words.
  7. Finish the Article: Now finish each tip with one or two sentences. Review your opening and closing paragraphs. Select your key words. Write your teaser sentences. Finally, make sure your have your title finished including using key words within the title.

After two years, I have honed this format and now can create an article usually in 15 minutes or less. I wrote this article in 12.5 minutes. Now, I can use each tip and write an article about that tip. Then I can submit them into different categories such as Internet marketing, article marketing, writing or writing articles depending upon my overall marketing strategy. Remember, your Internet marketing article efforts should always be aligned to your marketing plan within your strategic plan. This alignment will help you get to where you want to be.

Do you want to learn more about how to get to where you want to be? I have just completed a FREE 7 lesson on-line email course. Sign up here and now Building Your M.A.P. (My Action Plan) to Success.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. is a speaker and Indianapolis business coach & Chicago business coach who has written hundreds of articles with a focus on improving individual and organizational performance through excellence in leadership to executable strategic plans.