Bum Squidoo

Monday, June 23, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

You've written about a thousand articles and they're sitting right there in your computer waiting for you to do something with them, but what do you do with them? You can't use them all in your own site, but you want to use them to promote your work. Here are three wonderful places to post those articles for profits in your pockets.

1. Article Submission Sites

Regardless of how many sites you submit your articles to, this recommendation will save you time and effort. Select five of your favorite article marketing submission sites, and ALWAYS submit to those five sites. It becomes easy to keep track of all your articles. You have five backup copies of your articles. And, those five article marketing sites can count on your expertise in your field. Readers come back to find you. Don't disappoint them!

2. Your Website

Whether you publish an unending stream of your articles via RSS Feed, or whole articles in your blog, or links to your latest content, your website should showcase your articles in some fashion. You'll want readers to come there first! Bring them in with high quality content. Keep them with dynamic value only YOU can provide.

3. Submission & Resource Links

Submit your articles to ezine publishers who value your incites and perspectives. By submitting your articles to specific publishers, you may receive monetary reimbursement as a regular writer, but more importantly, your readers will have a resource where they know they can read your work. Perhaps a column in your favorite publication would be a helpful resource for both of you. They get fine content, you get exposure.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit http://janverhoeff.com about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Without fresh, unique content, your website is destined for second best. Or even failure. The search engines won't cater to it and visitors will be bored and click elsewhere. If you want high-quality, action-taking visitors, then you need the best in one-of-a-kind content.

Perhaps you're using free articles to flesh out your web pages. Maybe you've taken the next step and invested in PLR (Private Label Rights) groups, where you can use their content and sign your own name. This is great in that it's fast. But that's where the advantage ends.

When the search engines come calling, they will immediately notice that your articles look exactly the same as other articles they've seen all over the web. Yes, this means your PLR articles, too, unless you've changed them to make them unique. This lowers the score they give your website, which in turn lowers the placement you'll get when a search engine user types in your keywords. The lower the search engines results placement, the less chance your site will be seen. Studies show that almost all clicks on search engine results happen in the first three pages of the results, and most happen on the first page. Chances are, no one will ever see your site if, when they searched for your exact keywords, your site ended up on page 674 of the results!

The search engines like to keep a little mystery, so they never reveal exactly how they score websites they visit. However, many things can be ascertained from observation. One is that if a site contains content that is duplicated on other sites, like the article directory you got it from, its score is lowered significantly. Remember, too, that your competitors are searching the same article databases and may be using the exact same articles you are. That won't give you a competitive advantage! You need unique content to get your score raised and your website shown on the first page. There's no way around it.

Fortunately, this isn't as hard as you may have led yourself to believe. Here's a method that will give you great unique content without tearing your hair out researching and writing from scratch. First, find an article you'd like to use, if it wasn't already out there. Now, simply rewrite it. Read the first paragraph. Read it again, until you've digested the content and understand it completely. Put the article aside. Rewrite the paragraph you just read in your own words. Move the second paragraph and repeat. Continue until the article is finished. You now have unique content that will be fresh meat to the hungry search engines. Higher scores, better results rankings, and better and more targeted visitors result.

Writing unique content brings in free, targeted traffic. This is a skill every Internet marketer learns to master. If you haven't yet, it's time to take that first step. Try the method outlined and see how easy it is. Don't forget to use that spell checker! Congratulations on taking your first steps to being a writer!

Kim Brockman publishes a monthly ezine on how to use the Internet for work and play. http://tiiezine.com/affils/article-writing/

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But, before we even start on optimization of any kind, we will first need to understand how search engines actually work.

Search engines use "spiders" to "crawl" the World Wide Web for websites, URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and webpage key words, amongst other details and information. These "spiders" will return to the search engine database after crawling and submit the results of their "crawling" for indexing. Do take note that search engine indexing takes some time, and does not happen overnight.

Search engines measure the quality and popularity of each site mainly by the number of back-links (back-links are actually links to your site that are displayed by other sites) to your site. Classified according to website content, the quality and popularity of each individual website and some other factors, search engines will rank the website for each keyword searched. Following that, a Page Ranking will then be assigned to your website or webpage.

Now that we have a clearer idea of how search engines get information about websites, let's go deeper into Search Engine Optimization (SEO). There are two key facets of SEO; On-page SEO and off-page SEO.

On-page SEO is very elementary and foundational, and is achieved by optimizing the webpage title, keywords, webpage description and contents of your webpage so that when search engines read the source of the webpage, they will assume that the webpage is what the keywords are really describing.

Off-page SEO is usually done outside of the webpage - primarily on external websites. It is usually the creation of links on external websites (with similar keywords) that are themselves optimized for search engines. When search engines index links and keywords that direct to your website or page, they will assume that these links are in relation to your website, thereby raising your Page Ranking.

Although both on-page and off-page facets of SEO are important, on-page is less so. This is because search engines assign Page Ranking based highly on back-links. But in order to get as high a Page Rank as possible, it would be advisable to optimize your website or page for both. Popular websites like Ablewise.com, which enjoy tremendous traffic, all have both on-page and off-page facets fully optimized.

The author writes occasional articles of interest in finance, advertising and IT related topics.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you using article marketing (also called bum marketing) to promote your products online and your own website? Let me show you how to increase your article marketing efforts by more than 469%.

Whether you are just a bum marketer or you only write articles for your own web pages, if you are not using the amazing power of leverage marketing, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Why you wouldn't profit again and again from something you've done only one time? Know that the secret of highly successful online business is that they use leverage.

Whenever you write a new article for your website, be sure that to research the right keywords before everything else. Because if you don't do this, nobody is going to find your site, and it will be hard to make any money. Then, you need to add the article to your autoresponder serie. Like this, when someone subscribe to your list, you will earn money from him because he will automatically see your article.

Imagine that you can squeeze $1 from every new newsletter subscriber. Let's say that your list grows at a rate of 50 subscribers a day. that's 1500 subscribers a month. Now, doing almost nothing, you've just added a new stream of income to your business. $1500 per month, and even more annually!

When you are done, just add your new article to your website with the keywords). Search engines will spider it, and send more traffic your way.

When a surfer land on your website from the search engines, they subscribe to your newsletter...

Even if they don't take the time to read a single article on your site, they will immediately receive an email in their email inbox with a link to visit your money making web pages. Now, let's see how to monetize your web pages for maximum profits:

There are several options to monetize an article: links to your own products, contextual advertising, affiliate programs, cost per action offer, auction... You see the picture.

Now, you have a great money making article marketing technique in place because almost all the visitors who will visit your article and click on your links. If you monetize with cost per click advertising, every single click will make you money. If you choose cost per sales, you will make a profit when the visitor buys from your website.

If you choose cost per action affiliate programs, you will make money when your visitor take an action like filling in his name and email address for more information, etc... This article marketing technique is really easy to implement, and it shouldn't take a lot of your time. Plus you can outsource this strategy for even more profits.

Do this today, and watch your monthly income increase with the power of this affiliate marketing strategy.

Franck Silvestre is the creator of the Search Engine Marketing Guide. He also give awesome advices to increase your affiliate marketing income. Learn how to design a great site optimized for maximum sales and turn it into a powerful money making machine in no time.

Go to his website right now and grab a free report on sales page design secrets. http://www.seoseductionsecrets.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So you know you want to optimize your website for a certain keyword or maybe for many keywords at once if you are that good.

Question is, how many backlinks do you need? Do you keep getting backlinks forever?

Both answers to those questions can be found by doing some research about the website that is number one for your chosen keywords. In other words your top competitor.

You need to know how many backlinks they have. Not how many link exchanges they made, but the total amount of all the backlinks they have.

That is the average amount of backlinks you need for your own website to outrank them. Sometimes you may need more and other times less than what they have. If for example the backlinks they have are all one way links, even though it is rare but it may be the case, then you may need more backlinks then they have, if you are going to make link exchanges only. That is because one way links are more powerful than link exchanges.

But in general the amount of backlinks they have is a clear indication of how many you require more or less. It is always a great idea to get both one way links and link exchanges.

Both have their positive sides.

For example if you have made a thousand link exchanges in the post two months and you launch a new website. You can email all those webmasters so they make a link exchange with your new site. That is a thousand link exchanges made easy. That is one of the positive things of making link exchanges. There are scripts and tools that keep track of all your link partners information. Some have an option that allows you to email them all at once.

The other good thing with link exchanges is that you can put up a link exchange submission form and you get links automatically. Many webmasters will simple submit their link and you approve or reject it. Once your website start getting more traffic your site will start getting a ton of these links, with no work on your part. You will also get many link exchange request by email, and you should not reject any link if possible. Links are like diamonds in seo.

So as you can see you need to outrank your competitors who are in the number one position if you want to get the number one position. You should aim for that position, it is the position which gets the most traffic. Websites on page two for example, do not get any traffic at all. Websites on page one do get all the traffic, but the site in page one which is the number one position gets almost all of the traffic.

Generally beginners do not have an exact idea what they want. They just want to start doing seo, they get some backlinks and check rankings in all search engines and so forth.

A webmaster who knows what he is doing, will pick up a keyword or keywords, aim for the number one position in one particular search engine and dominates that position. And every wise webmasters will choose Google, since it provides the best customers. It also means you analyze the competitor who is number one in Google.

There is no need to check where you rank in msn or yahoo or other search engines. Simple because if you know what you are doing, you choose the right keywords and you know for certain that you are going to get the number one position. When that happens you can get another one in number one position, not relying on other search engines for traffic, but getting what you want and which is the best thing.

So you aim big not small. Checking were you rank in msn is like you are aiming too small, you are expecting traffic from msn and make money. You want the best spot in Google. The other search engine still provide you traffic, because if you rank well in Google probably you are also ranked well in other search engines. So think big once you understand well how seo works. Aim for the best to get the best.

Discover simple yet powerful search engine optimization techniques from Karl Sultanas websites, blog ebooks and more right now.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the great challenges facing small business owners is that they must often battle for customers against larger competitors, who can afford to run more advertising, offer lower prices, and who are better established in the marketplace.

And yet some small business owners do it very successfully. How?

There are some proven marketing strategies to use when competing against larger, more established competitors. These strategies have been used successfully by companies of all sizes to drive sales and carve out a sustainable position in the market. They apply to online commerce and traditional small businesses.

Here are details on two such strategies that you can use as a small business owner to help grow your business when competing with larger competitors:

Take the Alternative Position

If you are up against the market leader in your business, shift your market position so you dont compete directly with them on their turf. Become the alternative to the market leader that is, promote and advertise an aspect of your product/service that the leader simply cant offer. This is a classic marketing strategy that has been used successfully by small companies and major corporations, because it allows you to compete with the leader in a part of the market where they may not be very strong.

Pepsi couldnt beat Coke at the cola wars, because Coke was viewed as the original cola drink that had no substitutes. That was fine with Pepsi. It let Coke have that territory, and instead marketed itself as the Choice of a New Generation. Its marketing appeal and target audience was young and cool - everything that Coke couldnt be with their more traditional positioning. Pepsi successfully carved out the number 2 position in the market by becoming the primary alternative to Coke, and made billions in the process.

The rule applies to everything from .com companies to local furniture stores. Survey the competitive landscape in your market and determine how you can position your business as the best alternative to the established market leader. Second place in a given market can be a very nice place to be from a profitability standpoint.

Sell what they dont have You!

Many small business owners have found success by building their personal reputations as experts in their field, with significant benefits to their small business. They have become the public face for their company.

Some large companies have a public face, a person who represents the company in the minds of customers (Richard Branson for Virgin is one). But most dont. As a small business owner, you can effectively represent yourself as an expert in your area of expertise, and drive awareness for your small business in the process.

One of the most effective ways to build your reputation is through the credibility that comes from publicity and media relations activities.

Here are some guiding principles to working with the media as a small business owner:

View it as a relationship reporters need story ideas and expert sources - you can offer both when it comes to your area of expertise to create a win-win situation

Pitch story ideas about whats new and whats changing the media likes to break news about emerging trends, either in your industry or related to your experience as a small business owner

Strive for repeat business once a reporter has identified you as a good source of information on a topic, they will keep coming back to you so ensure that early in your relationship you are available to them and willing to offer help in getting information for them to pull a story together

Having a single person leading the charge to build media relationships and run the company makes it easier to transfer the goodwill that you achieve in the media over to your business activities. This doesnt work nearly as well for larger companies, so leverage this competitive advantage and take a personal approach to building your business through publicity.

You Can Compete!

Small business marketing is all about leveraging the built-in advantages of being a small enterprise in the battle against larger competition for customers and sales. Establishing your business as an alternative to the market leader in your business, and building personal credibility that can be transferred to your small business are just two strategies that you can implement to help your small business succeed against bigger competitors.

Will Dylan is a small business marketing expert and the author of Small Business, Big Marketing, available for download at no charge from http://www.marketingyoursmallbusiness.com