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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Article Marketing 101 - How Business Owners Can Use It To Their Benefit

Article marketing Article Writing quickly becoming one Marketing Blogging absolute best ways for business owners, both large Marketing Article small, to drive traffic to their website, and also increase their sales exponentially with this method of virtual advertising.

If Article Tips haven't yet taken advantage of this simple but effective means of promoting your business using the internet as an invaluable resource, read on to learn how article marketing can increase your sales and help Article Writing Tips to quickly make a name for yourself.

What Exactly is Article Marketing?

Article marketing, metaphorically speaking, is like a virtual billboard Article On International Marketing has the potential of reaching Article Marketing upon millions of people with just a few clicks of a mouse button. Literally, the practice involves publishing keyword-rich, informative articles on any number of article syndication sites with links back to your website. Also, it's a rather cost effective means of advertising, as the majority of sites require no fees for posting content.

Know Your Audience

The tone and general theme of your articles should be tailored to the specific audience you are trying to reach. If your Article Submission is marketing closet Article Marketing Domination for example, Internet Marketing Services then want content to appeal to homeowners or businesses who would have a need for such an item. If you're an affiliate of a company selling products for treating acne, you will want to ensure your articles are geared toward those who are suffering from acne, or at least Make Money Blogging someone who is.

People turn to the internet for quick answers and information they can depend on, which leads us to the Internet Marketing key aspect of article marketing: providing content Internet Marketing Strategy is reliable and always on point.

Provide Useful, Relevant Material

Although the savvy business owner will want to keep aspects such as search engine optimization (SEO) in the forefront of their mind, the articles you'll be distributing to market your company or product must also be readable and interesting as well as ranked favorably amongst search engine results.

Most article marketing sites have specific guidelines in place that must be adhered to in order to be accepted and listed on the site. Articles that are poorly written or full of errors are likely to be rejected, and even if they aren't, who would want that type of material representing their business, anyway? Ensure that your information is factual and free from plagiarism or typographical errors before attaching your name and submitting to article directories and syndication sites.

Submit Your Articles and Spread the Word

Depending on the website, some will allow you to embed hyperlinks throughout your article, linking visitors to your site, while Marketing Careers state that links should be included at the end of the article in what's referred to as the resource box. Here you can list pertinent information in addition to the link to your website, such as the contact person's name, email address, telephone and fax numbers, as well as how long the author has been an expert in this field, or how long your company has been in operation.

Providing some accurate background lends a sense of authenticity to the article and shows that a real person is behind the company or product that's being marketed.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Simple Internet Marketing Secret Lets You Know Exactly What People Want To Spend Their Money On

If you want to know exactly what to sell to your customers, leads and prospects on the Internet -- not just what they will buy, but also what they won't -- then this article will show you how.

Consider this:

I spend a good chunk of my time interviewing Internet marketing experts, as well as other professionals at selling, copywriting and business.

And what I like to do -- especially if I'm about to interview someone who is "high profile" -- is send out an email to my list and tell them who I am about to interview and what questions they want me to ask and what they would like to learn from the interview.

Every single time I get dozens and dozens of emails doing just that. And then, when it comes time to do the interview, I know exactly what my listeners want and I go through those questions.

Okay, so what's this got to do with your Internet marketing business?

Simple: You can easily use this exact same tactic yourself to find out exactly what your customers want before going through the expense and hassle of creating a promotion or developing any product ideas.

In other words, before you put a lot of time into creating a product and sales pitch, why not send an email to your list and ask them if they would be interested in a short report on whatever the subject is of the product you want to sell?

See how many people reply. If you get a lot of people asking for your information, then you can probably pursue it.

But, if you don't get a lot of people wanting what you have, then chances are nobody is going to buy the information. I mean, if you can't give it away free, how are you going to sell it?

And that's really the key to making money online without a lot of grief and hassle.

Why guess what people want and are willing to pay for, when you can do a little bit of free research see what they want?

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website http://hardtofindseminars.com

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Discover 3 Key Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Nervous about starting your article marketing campaign? Don't be! Because technically, you have got nothing to lose in this technique. So long as you know how to produce quality articles or you have the resources to pay somebody to do it for you, you will surely rise above the rest. Here are the 3 key secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Do your research. What are the topics to write about? Well, the best topics for you are those that concern your potential clients and are relevant to the products or services you offer. Some of the best article marketers go to forums and they communicate to their potential buyers. Through this, marketers will get an idea about the pressing issues that their customers are facing. Then, they create articles based on the data they gathered and present their products as solution. This is a foolproof method in making sure that your articles are targeted to your chosen niche.

2. Consider some important elements when writing your articles. This is to make sure that your articles will be accepted by most publishing sites. Make sure that you don't use too many keywords or your articles will be rejected for keyword abuse. Also, make your articles at least 250 words and ensure that all links on your resource box are working. Lastly, never insert hyperlinks on the body of your articles. This is one of the common reasons why articles are rejected by publishing sites.

3. Write articles that are easy to understand. Your success in article marketing will largely depend on how well your readers can understand you. So make it a point that you make it easier for them to digest the information you are presenting. To do this, you can use various formats like questions and answer, how-tos, and numbered list when presenting your ideas.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - 5 Essential Steps For Success

Affiliate Marketing training would not be complete without explaining the HUGE upside to Article Marketing. Once implemented, these content specific articles will keep generating traffic literally for years after initial publish.

The internet marketer uses articles to direct traffic to a website or blog where he has a product or information. An article is NOT a sales page ... as such, it WILL BE rejected by the article directories. :-(

In considering utilizing article marketing, there are 5 specific steps required in order to gain benefit from the article.

1. Carefully choose a product or information that is the ultimate focus of your article.

2. Develop quality information regarding your subject. Your goal is to provide enough information for the reader to see the value, but you DON'T want to provide all the answers ... pique their curiosity to learn more.

3. Provide examples, tips, or tutorials to demonstrate how the subject will be beneficial.

4. Expand your points to paint a picture of the process. Be careful to keep your text informative without bordering on a 'sit-down' classroom session.

5. 'Shine your Apple' before submitting. Perform a complete review and edit as necessary.

It is ALWAYS advisable to save your article and walk away for awhile. We all have a tendency to write what we want to hear. Return to your draft and put your "subjective" face on. Get 'out of yourself', apply the basic steps, and see if your draft meets the criteria for the average viewer. Did you clearly define a problem and provide a practical answer or solution?

Does your article 'read' like a sales page? Generally, avoiding the use of first tense ("I") will help to generalize your points. Remember, you are NOT selling anything ... you ARE generating interest in your chosen topic. Keep in mind that your goal is not to appeal to everyone. Make sure that you have identified your target audience, and have provided enough information to grab their attention. Have you clearly defined the problem? Have you suggested a course of action that may offer a solution? Is your information unique, or can it be found in any number of throw away ebooks? The last thing that you want is for the viewer to go "yeh, yeh, yeh ... same old stuff".

Before you submit your article, make sure that you review your landing page destination from the Resource box. Are all of the links active? Are the keywords compatible? Is the subject of your landing site an expansion of the theme of the article? Do you add additional value?

Article marketing is a VERY effective tool for building your affiliate marketing business. Seek out sources of information that will help you fine tune your various article marketing campaigns ... Research is NOT a dirty word! :-)

An excellent report regarding article marketing tactics is available for FREE on the author's website. Pick up your copy, and begin exploring the many benefits from article marketing.

The author lives and works on 'The Big Island' near beautiful Hilo, Hi. For more information on article marketing and your FREE report, visit his website at http://now4u-website.com and select "5 Essential Steps For Successful Article Marketing". This article may be duplicated PROVIDED the resource box is left intact.

Tips for Success With Article Marketing

The first step in article marketing is the submission process. Ezine publishers, article announcement lists and article directories are the most common places for submission. This will accomplish several things.

For starters, you will be considered as an expert in your field. This will establish a trust between you and the readers, as they will be able to value your opinions.

Submitting articles will also allow for greater publicity of your business. Submission requires a resource box to be attached to your article. This contains a link to your website that will be seen by the reader. If the reader wants to know more about what you do, they can simply click to see more.

Article marketing also allows for a non-reciprocal link to your website. This is important for your search engine page rank. Typically, more weight is given to non-reciprocal links in search engine page rankings.

So maybe this all sounds good to you, but you aren't comfortable writing your own articles. If you don't have the writing skills necessary, consider using private label articles. These are becoming more and more popular, and many of such services are available with new ones popping up all the time.

However, there are some specifications that need to be taken seriously. Otherwise the results produced may be problematic

The good thing about private label articles is that they may be able to offer the non-writer a high advantage over other markers. When used properly, they will likely increase your sales, traffic and opt in subscribers.

Be cautious of making the most common mistake known to private label articles: getting lazy. Put it in your mind from the start that copying and pasting the article for submission is a bad idea.

The majority of directory software will automatically do a search in their database to see if the title has been used before. If this is the case with an article that you submit, then yours will be rejected.

So, change the title at the very minimum. It's also recommended to change the wording in the first paragraph.

Another word of caution regards the number of links placed in your article. Many marketers will include so many links that the article just becomes an ad in a longer form. This will definitely get your rejected and maybe banned if it occurs too often.

The purpose of an article is to provide the reader with valuable and useful information. As long as your content is well written, the chances of the reader clicking on your link will increase.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson

Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Explode Your Traffic

There are many different ways that you can drive free traffic to your website. Forum marketing, classified advertising and advertising swaps are to name a few.

However, the other sources of traffic do not convert as high as your article traffic. From my own private tests I have found that this traffic converts up to ten times better on my sales pages and squeeze pages. It is for this reason I have decided to abandon the other methods of free advertising as they simply do not get the results that I am looking for that I get with article marketing.

It for this reason alone that I rate this method as the number 1 way to get quality free advertising to your website. This is the process that I use to utilize this method.

1) Write an informative article

It is very important that you help your reader. If you write information that will assist them you will build trust with your reader. As a famous sales trainer once said people only buy from people that they like, know and trust.

2) Use a link in your resource box to your squeeze page

Once the reader has read your article give them the opportunity to download an ebook on your squeeze page in exchange for their email address. This will allow you to use your autoresponder to build a highly responsive list.

3) Stay in contact with your subscriber

Build a relationship with your subscriber. Make sure that you treat them well and in the end they will become paying customers.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Marketing Articles-Article Marketing is the "Magic Pill" for Business

With the rise in competition in the field of business, there has been a substantial growth in the marketing domain. Thanks to the use of the so called strategic article marketing tactics business firms can now see their business grow exponentially. Erroneous would it be if we state that the article marketing service is an entirely new concept as article marketing traces it roots back to the era of print media. Defining the term article marketing in layman language would not be a tough task. The term article marketing in its simplest form is actually a marketing strategy wherein a business firm advertises its services or products through articles which reflect the business firm in the best possible way.

If article marketing had not been in practice, it would have been a little tedious for us to gauge a business firm to its core. There is no shortage of article marketing websites which throw light on the services and products of a company in a rather interesting way, thanks to the internet and search engines like Google. Moreover, through an article, a particular organization reaches more number of people in less time. Print Media ( newspapers, magazines etc) is one of the many ways through which strategic marketing of an article can be made possible.

Online magazines, which are a part of internet marketing, also serve as powerful tools for marketing articles. Through article marketing, a small business can reach millions of people and thus popularize itself. An original article discusses or merely states the services provided by an organization along with providing the contact details of the organization. Advertising article marketing is the new face of article marketing. So is the case with niche article marketing, which has proved to be the magic-pill for a number of business organizations. The basic reason as why the concept of niche article marketing has gained popularity is the existence of the powerful consumer force which commands enough attention, thus making the business firms devise new strategies and marketing tactics every now and then to satisfy their demand.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service provider. To get pricing or to purchase their services, send an email with "article info" in the subject and a little about your business with your website link to admin@dougbarger.com

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing works when you work it right. Unfortunately, many article marketers do not work it right.

In my experience of coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I have noticed at least three common and typical mistakes made by both new and experienced article marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three common mistakes and then look at what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Not understanding marketing - Many people do not understand marketing because the concept frightens them. Think of it this way - marketing is simply letting other people know what you do. Therefore, in article marketing, marketing is simply getting your articles in front of as many people as possible.

Mistake #2 - Using only article directories - I love article directories. They are not the only way to market your articles however. The ways to market your articles are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Here is my definition of creativity - "Creativity is simply looking at something that has always been there and seeing something that has not been seen before." Ask yourself - "In how many different ways can your ideal client consume the information in your article?"

Mistake #3 - Not having a consistent plan or system to market your articles - Most article marketers treat article marketing like any other form of marketing - they wait until things are getting bad, and then in desperation pull something off the marketing menu and throw some money ad effort at it and hope something will work. I call this "marketing a la carte." When you use a consistent plan or system, you do not have to hope something will work, you know it will work.

Avoid these mistakes and use these tips to ramp up your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here: http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/themostpowerfultemplate.htm

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

You can also check out my list of 25+ ways to market your articles at http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/articlemarketing.htm

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Article Marketing: Capture the Other Half of Your Target Market

Heard about article marketing but not sure why you'd need it for your business? Posting Articles on the net is a great way to capture the "stubborn" half of your audience who resists a direct sales pitch.

While some folks don't mind being approached directly, many others don't take kindly to it.

Let's say you have a service to offer, so you hit someone up face to face with a proposal:

"Hello Fred, isn't it time you made improvements on your life? My product can help you do this!"

Suppose Fred is in a foul mood that day, or maybe Fred's email box is overrun with messages. Or maybe Fred just doesn't like anyone confronting him about areas where his life can stand to be improved... because even if that's true, FRED WILL NEVER ADMIT IT.

Thanks to the unfortunate timing between your sales pitch and Fred's bad day, Fred reacts defensively to your suggestion and mentally blacklists you for bothering him with your pointed insinuations.

Now, suppose that instead of hearing or reading your direct approach that you delivered via email or in a chat forum, Fred came across your ARTICLE that day. The jist of the article was the same as the sales pitch you might make to Fred... but instead of being aimed directly at FRED, it's written to a general audience.

This time, Fred is reading your information BY CHOICE, and nobody is finger-pointing or insinuating he needs to change in some way. Therefore, Fred is free to analyze his own situation and determine whether your service or product might enhance his life.

Pretty soon, Fred is visiting your website with interest... and not long after that, Fred has come to terms with his shortcomings and surrendered to the fact that, YES, what you're selling may be of help to him.

Finally... cha-ching!

Thanks to that article that you wrote that wasn't aimed directly at his fragile ego, Fred feels comfortable to just whip out his credit card... and surprise! He's officially your paying customer.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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