Bum Squidoo

Monday, May 26, 2008

Money From Home Articles

Articles are the backbone of internet marketing If all else fails in the industry, the one sure sure method to still be here, the one "ace in the hole" Article Marketing.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits and see if their value is worth a few minutes of time every day.

One benefit is the price involved to get started...It's FREE! You can sit down right now and write an article and submit it to an article directory.

There are many directories to be found when you run a search but I would suggest that you start with Ezinearticles and Goarticles.

This will get you started with links connecting with your project coming back to your site. Your products, list building, networking, advertising, and sales will all be amazingly enhanced. It's so simple!

The key to this is the repetition.


These articles aren't going anywhere. They will be floating around the internet forever...Your links will be working for you years from now--what a blessing! Next you can follow up with Google AdSense and be off to a great start...MONEY FROM HOME!

I can't think of any other place where you can get so much value for a little elbow grease, and a few hours of your time.

Count the costs...Is it worth it...Would you exchange a little time and effort for thousands of dollars? Many have and are sharing it with others.


These folks know from experience what it takes to keep up and exceed the competition on the internet today. The good news is that there is plenty for all...The only one stopping you from having that pie in the sky is yourself...So, what do you think, are you ready to break away from the negative nay-sayers and join those of us who dare to travel on the market trails to success?

I challenge you today to allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of life.

Sierra Sage is a 57 year old grandma who works in a maximum security prison in Texas. She is dedicated to security and safety, along with research and information to assist people in success from all walks of life. For Instant FREE Website Submission Visit http://markettrails.com or http://markettrails.blogspot.com

Profitable Article Marketing - 6 Key Ways to Make Money With Article Marketing

Article marketing is probably the best traffic-generating technique there is in the internet today. It help you create quality inbound links to your website in an instant and it helps your website rank higher on major search engines. Not only it brings enormous traffic to your site, but above all, it makes your website popular without the need to shell out money. Here are the 6 ways to make money with article marketing:

1. Consistency. Few submissions won't guarantee your success in article marketing. To promote quality and steady traffic to your site, you have to be consistent in terms of writing quality articles and submissions.

2. Fresh content. Always provide your readers with new information that is useful and timely.

3. Length of the article. Most online users do not have the time to read very long articles. If you have a lot to say, make a 2 500-word article instead of 1-1,000 word articles. You will be sure that your articles will be read and you earn not just one, but 2 quality inbound links.

4. Article distribution service. If you don't have the time to submit your articles manually, you can use article distribution services that are very cost-effective. For less than $5, these services will electronically distribute your articles to thousands of online publishing and article directories.

5. Resource box. You would like your readers to click on your website's URL, right? You can do that by crafting the perfect resource box that will entice your readers to visit your site after they read your article.

6. Use keywords throughout your articles. You can sprinkle keywords on your title, on the body of your article, and even on your resource box so your article will be indexed by search engines.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

3 Hidden Keys To Succeeding With Article Marketing

In this article I would like to go through some of the methods that have helped me succeed with article marketing. When I first started I was not really that successful. However, as I tested my systems and tracked what worked I eventually came up with this system that works very well.

1) Write in a conversational style

When you write your articles you need to be doing so informally. Differentiate yourself and have a strong emphasis on providing readers with helpful content. Write like you are talking to a friend. There is a very big difference between essay writing and writing for the internet.

2) Decide whether you are writing for leads or branding yourself

Basically there are two types of articles that you can write. One is for generating leads that you can market to over and over again. Usually this form is a short article. The second is for branding your name all over the internet. If you are writing an expert article it usually is very long with a lot of information. However, these are usually picked up by other publishers very quickly branding your name on the internet.

3) Write consistently

Article marketing definitely is not a quick solution. You need to write at least 5 articles every day over a long period of time at least 6 months before you start seeing very good results. However, you will create long term quality traffic that you do not have to pay for.

4) Drive all your traffic to a squeeze page

You need to send all your traffic to a high converting squeeze page. If you are not doing this then you will be wasting all your traffic. It will probably be the last time that you see your visitor.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Big Ticket To Wealth Business Review

Who wouldn't enjoy working from the comforts of your very own home and having your own website closing sales for you? That is the theory that the Big Ticket to Wealth opportunity presents. The direct sales industry is huge, and they are profiting on that market. So let's put Big Ticket to Wealth under the microscope and see what is revealed. A few things that stand out:

The Company

Big Ticket to Wealth is a brand new online direct sales company in pre-launch phase. The opportunity revolves around the movement and distribution of their products through the direct sales business model. Products consist of proprietary flash videos pertaining to high demand niche industries, e-books, manuals and software products to help develop a well-rounded internet marketing campaign and wealth building principles.

Investment to Join

There are three ways that you can become a member of the Big Ticket to Wealth program. You can join at the National Product level for $797, or pay $1,197 for an Executive package. The top tier package is the Presidential membership which would require you to pay $1,997. Additionally, all members must pay a recurring monthly licensing fee of $75 to carry the flash video presentation on their own company replicated website. No matter which level you decide to join at, ALL members are required to pay the $75 monthly recurring license fee.

Compensation Plan

The Big Ticket to Wealth compensation plan is contingent upon the initial package that you buy in at. Direct sales commissions are paid to you once your website completes a sale and matching override commissions are also paid to you on those you have personally sponsored. Commissions are paid at $300 for each National product package, $500 for an Executive product package and $900 for each Presidential package. Commissions are directly paid to you on the $75 monthly recurring license fee. National members earn $15, Executives earn $25 and Presidential members earn $50 per month. The override earnings aspect comes in to effect when you earn matching commissions off of your recruit's sales. You are directly paid the same commissions as with your own websites sales. As an example, a presidential recruit's $900 commission would equal $900 for you as well.

Disadvantages to the Program

So what are the disadvantages with the Big Ticket to Wealth opportunity? Big Ticket to Wealth is a high ticket program, so not everyone will be willing to fork over a minimum of $797 to join, plus a recurring monthly fee of $75. Once you sign up for the program, there are no refunds due to the nature of the products being available for instant download once you become a member. It goes without stating, but a belief in the quality and validity of the product you intend to market is an essential component to any direct sales opportunity success.

In conclusion, Big Ticket to Wealth appears to provide unique products to cater to several industries' needs, while providing its members the opportunity to earn a substantial income. However, success is dependent upon each individual member's ability to market not only the products, but the opportunity itself.

Don Downes is a full time internet marketer who works with other industry leading internet marketers from around the world. He specializes in helping others succeed in marketing online home businesses. For more information on high ticket programs and online success visit => http://www.TheTicketToWealth.com

5 Buying Tips You Need to Know Before Buying a Key Word Generator

What is Key Word Generator?

Basically, it's a software to help you generate as many as useful, low competition and money making key words for you Adwords, SEO or Adsense projects, etc.

There are tons of this kind of software, which one is good, which one is bade. It's so confused to find out.

How to choose a best Key Word Generator for yourself?

1. Generate relevant key words

If the software can give you 1 million key words right away but they are not related to your product, it's totally useless to you. You want super relevant keywords, right ?

2. Generate a lot of key words

Once criteria 1 has been met, you should target on software that give you a big list of relevant keywords. More keywords should lead to more traffic and sales !

3. Help you analyze the key words

The key word generator should be ready to help you to analyze and pick out what keywords are getting more traffic while with low competition no matter it's for Adwords or SEO.

4. Teach you how to succeed

The software provider/owner should provide you a series of training materials to help you cut the learning curve and achieve success as soon as possible. No one would like to waste months to figure how to use a key word generator.

5. Upgrade itself continuously

Search engine gets updated several times a year on their algorithms, ranking methodology, or so. If a key word generator doesn't catch up with the changes, it will be garbage in 3 months. Make sure the owner supports life-time grade.


It's not impossible to find the best key word generator you need. But you only need to filter through the choices rationally and pick the best one you need.

Visit http://www.KeywordSpyTools.com now to Discover the Top Keywords and Adwords Spy Tools on the Market which can Easily Make You More Money in No Time Flat.

Sizzling Article Marketing - 4 Mind-Blowing Tactics To Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them.

Here are 4 mind-blowing tactics to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Let's say you have an affiliate product to sell pet products. Hopefully you have a lead capture page (homepage) setup to capture a customer's email address by offering a free report and free e-course about a topic related to pets. If not just remember to move in that direction over time.

2. Now, let's take things one step further and let's assume you want to write an article that you can submit to several article directories (FREE) to get a rush of traffic to your affiliate products, your own products and or your own website.

3. Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them. I'm going to use "get rid of flees" as the actual keyword from my research criteria here. The title is a bit too long but I'm using this example to make a point here. Note the power words used in these examples below.

"Discover 5 Safe And Natural Remedies Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Flees In 5 Days Or Less Using Only Five Basic Ingredients Found Right In Your Pantry -- Plus Save Over $500 A Year On Harmful Pesticides".

Here is another example using these tactics...

"Discover An Amazingly Simple Yet Effective Shortcut To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days or Less...Spending Only 5 Minutes A Day"!

4. Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

I have dozens of articles from when I first started writing that need to be edited because they have boring titles. I had no idea of what I was doing a few years ago. I was so focused on the keyword aspects of the article titles. This is not wise to do.

You need to find a way to make each and every article title "Grab You By The Arm" as if saying, "Hey Look At Me Now and Read Me Now!"

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at: http://www.bummarketingwiz.com/golden_writing