Bum Squidoo

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article writing is the best way to spread your links. It is free; and it helps add value to your Internet presence through the information you share in the articles. You write an article about 500 words and submit it to prominent article directories. You can reference your web url in your resource box attached with the article. The more directories you submit your articles to, the more back links you build.

Writing articles can be challenging for some people. If you want to hold your standards high and write your own articles, it could be time-consuming. Alternatively, you can hire ghost writers to do the job for you at a cost. $10 for a 300-500 word article when you commit in bulk (maybe 8-10 articles) is a decent price.

I personally like to write my own articles despite the fact that it is time-consuming. I like the fact that it is my voice and that I learn what I have to write about through the research and experimenting.

For Internet marketing newbies, the first block may be not knowing what to write about. When you are new, you do not feel like an authority in anything. How do I come up with an article when I do not know enough about anything? You may ask.

The answer is "Quite the contrary!" You have a lot more to write about when being the newbie than a veteran to some extent. Anything you are learning can be committed to paper. This is much like a school paper. You have to do some research, carry out the experiment, share the results (or sometimes not necessarily), and reach a conclusion.

Some areas where you may find plenty to write about are:

- how each of your affiliate programs works

- how you solved a problem in building your home biz

- new things you've learned and your thoughts on them

- your views and revelations in your area of interest

- resources that you have found that have worked well for you

- documenting you success experience with step by step instruction

Covering various topics in these areas may also gradually establish you as an authority in building your home biz online.

If the above suggested areas of topics are too vague for you, there is another way that is more specific. Visit Internet marketing related forums (e.g. Warriorforum). Pay attention to what questions people are asking. Make those questions your assigned topics to write about. Do the necessary research (if you do not already know the answer) and document your findings and conclusions. Since the same questions are asked over and over again by different people, you may get a chance to share your findings at a later opportunity, which will in turn build you a solid backlink (when you plant your web url in your signature).

Still another specific way to find what to write about is to read what other people have written. Then, try to rehash the same content in your own words adding your own spin to it. It is better that you add some new and/or unique input to the original content. This is not difficult to do as we are all so opinionated and find ourselves disagreeing with each other easily and often.

It is also advisable to keep a list of topics you want to write about. If you are like me, you will have days when you feel extremely inspired that you have something to say about everything. Those are usually the times when you only have enough time to do perhaps one article. Other times, you are dealt the writer's block where you just cannot think of anything to write about. Experience tells me that it is a smart habit to get into to note down all the things you want to comment/write about in your brief moments of inspiration. These notes, though it takes some discipline to keep, will prove to be little sparkles of intellect when your mind goes through the duller phase.

Copyright by Ying Hong, 2008

Ying Hong writes reviews on quality online home biz opportunities. Visit http://www.HomeBizOnlineThatWorks.com for FREE Internet marketing mini-course, FREE ebook Dotcomology by Stone Evans, and quality FREE home business ideas and opportunities. Subscribe to Ying Hong's My Home-Biz Journal at http://ying-pluginprofit.blogspot.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Every time you take your car in for an oil change, most shops give you a 15- or 30-point checkup when they change your oil to alert you to any other potential problems you might experience in the future. In the same way that your mechanic conducts a regular inspection of your automobile, you need to conduct an annual checkup of your website.

Here are 7 critical areas that need to be checked yearly on your site:

1. Copyright notice. In years past it would take me until March or April to update my copyright notices primarily because I had to go in and update every single page of my site. More recently, however, I've used an includes file, which is one file that can be inserted in many pages to hold my copyright and contact info. Consequently, when I need to update the copyright info, I open this one file in my HTML editor, update that file, save and upload it. Once it's revised, the new information miraculously appears on all the pages in which it's included, updating them all at once.

2. Opt-in forms. The beginning of each year is a great time to ensure that all of the opt-in forms are working on your site. Do you need to add additional fields to the opt-in form to collect mailing addresses, for example, or to ask how visitors found your site? Is the information contained on your confirmation page (the page to which a visitor is sent upon her initial request to opt into your list) still current and relevant? How about the thank you page (the page to which your visitor is sent when she has confirmed her desire to join your list)?

3. Autoresponder followup. Next, review the content of the autoresponders that you've set to follow up the opt-in. Are they still current? Do they mention offers or upsells that are still available? Do you need to update any copyright or contact information contained within them? Are they making it through spam filters? Use this tool to ensure that every email gets into your contact's inbox, SpamCheck from SiteSell, http://spamcheck.sitesell.com/

4. Signature files. Does your email signature file contain a call to action that's still working for you, or does it need to be updated? Have you changed any portion of your contact information? After you review your signature files in your email client, do the same check of your email signature file in your shopping cart program or autoresponder program.

5. Client attraction device. Take a look at the free giveaway you provide to your visitors in return for them opting into your list. Whether it's a document or an audio or video file, update the copyright and content information in it and review any biographical/profile information that you list about yourself or your business. Is the content you provide in this giveaway still valid and current? Do you want to keep the current call to action, or does it need to be updated to better fit with your current business model?

6. Missing images and dead link check. When your website fails to properly display images, your business appears unprofessional. Tour your website to ensure that all images are displaying as they should. If you link to or make reference to many resources on your site, run a dead link check annually to weed out or update those that no longer work. You may be able to do this with your HTML editor. If not, try the free weekly link checking service offered by iNetDog, http://www.inetdog.com/link_checking.php

7. Order forms. Be sure that your order form works all the way through. Most online business owners, when checking order forms, stop at the point where they need to enter credit card information. If your merchant account agreement prohibits you from using your credit card to order from your company, ask if they have a test card number you can use, or have a reciprocal agreement with a colleague to check each other's forms. Check your followup autoresponders that are set to go out after someone makes a purchase, as well, to ensure that they are still up-to-date.

Websites that are obviously out-of-date or aren't working properly are a huge deterrent to doing business with you. Check these 7 key areas yearly on your site to convey to your visitors that your site is regularly updated and maintained.

Copyright (c) 2008 Donna Gunter

Online Business Resource Queen (TM) and Online Business Coach Donna Gunter helps independent service professionals learn how to automate their businesses, leverage their expertise on the Internet, and get more clients online. To claim your FREE gift, TurboCharge Your Online Marketing Toolkit, visit her site at OnlineBizU.com . Ask Donna an Internet Marketing question at AskDonnaGunter.com .

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is one of the best traffic-generating tools these days. Aside from the fact that it allows you to share your knowledge so your potential readers will consider you as an expert on your field, it also boosts your sales and profits by allowing you to advertise your products and services online for free.

1. Produce outstanding articles. If you want to succeed in this marketing technique, you should make the quality of your content your number one priority. This will either make or break your promotional campaign. To make sure that your copies will be read or republished, they must be content-rich, useful, scannable, easy to understand, keyword-rich, and informative.

2. Be familiar with the rules set by various publishing sites. This will help you write copies that conform to the terms and conditions set by publishers. This will increase the chances of your articles being accepted and published online.

3. Submit regularly. To make your online presence felt, you must write and submit your reading materials on a regular basis. Experts agree that you need at least 3 submissions per day to get optimum result from this method.

4. Track the performance of your articles online. Determine the click through rate of each of your copies to identify which ones are being read. The data that you can obtain through this process can be used in improving your techniques in writing and submitting your articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like ezinearticles dot com, you can also post your copies to your website, blog, social bookmarking sites, or even on forums.

6. Proofread. Grammar, spelling, and factual mistakes can easily annoy readers. To make sure that you give your potential clients great reading experience, make it a point to manually proofread your articles before posting them online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You submit an article to as many article directories as possible with a link to your site in the signature block and you get loads of one-way links Thats what we see everyday right? While that statement is true, it is not the key to article marketing success.

The key to article marketing success is obtained by

1. Creating quality articles that are interesting enough for the viewer to follow-through to your signature block and click on your link.

2. Maintaining a constant flow of articles to the top few article directories and sites in your niche.

You may have heard these two statements in the past and chalked it up as not important. If you did, you made a big mistake.

The fact is, your articles MUST be interesting and valuable. If the viewers are not interested enough in your article they will not go past the description, let alone follow-through to your signature block.

At the same time, even if your articles are of great quality and do convert article viewers to website visitors, if you only have a few out there you will not get a considerable amount of traffic from them.

Sure, its true that on rare occasions an article could go completely viral and generate thousands of site views but it is likely? Even if you do have an article or two that goes extremely viral, the traffic will most likely not last.

If you are creating quality articles, every one that you publish to the Internet will bring in a small trickle of website visitors. The more articles you have out there, the larger that trickle will grow.

If you implement the two very basic tips that I just outlined into your article marketing campaign, along with a good signature block and title, you will see the true benefit to article marketing in a very short amount of time.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been effectively marketing with articles for over 2 years. If you would like to learn effective Article Marketing and begin to see the Free visitors that everyone always seems to talk about but never prove, then take a look at http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com You can also promote Article Marketing Domination and earn 50% on every sell you make by visiting http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com/affiliates.html

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Loan Officers That Market Themselves Eliminate Competition

Are your services the same as those of other mortgage brokers? If this is true, your methods of marketing probably look like those of your competitors.

The "same" game

Do you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd of loan officers that seems to grow each year? If you're not standing out, you need to go about mortgage marketing differently than your competition. If you don't, customers won't be able to tell you apart from your competition, and this will hurt your business.

If you're not trying to distinguish yourself, you'll look just like your competition. Here are some dangers you'll face if you don't strengthen your mortgage marketing campaign:

  • You'll make potential clients procrastinate. When focusing on mortgage marketing, or when trying to market to REALTORS, your potential clients are going to be confused if you look just like your competition and don't offer enough information to help them make an informed decision.
  • You'll force a decision based on price rather than quality if you don't give clients something else to go on. All things being equal, clients are going to use price as a determinant in regard to the loan officer they pick. So don't make price an issue, because if you do, you'll just get in a bidding war with another mortgage broker. Someone is almost always going to go lower than you are, and you'll lose out.

Stand out from the crowd

Avoid the pitfalls of mortgage marketing by separating yourself from the rest of the pack. How? Follow these tips to differentiate yourself from your competition:

- Clean up your mortgage marketing campaign. If your marketing has lots of fluff, and you feel obligated to offer "deals" and specials, you're just confusing the client.

- Simplify. Go for simple ads with a few words; utilize images, but prudently as well. Basically, you want a clean, uncluttered and clear marketing campaign so clients can understand what they're being offered quickly. Give them one message to concentrate on and then keep changing it.

- Be direct. Why are you important to your potential client? Why should your potential client want to talk with you instead of your competition?

- Be useful. Give them something valuable with no strings attached, such as a "free" report. It can be something as simple as suggestions on how to save for a home. In fact, you can also use it to advertise for your business, but mainly, it should provide information that will help the client make decisions.

- Showcase your skills. Do a side-by-side comparison for different products. Whether you're marketing to REALTORS or appealing directly to the public, show how products of yours with similarities differ from each other. For example, show three examples of services. How do these products change under different scenarios, with different clients?

- Infomercials, infomercials, infomercials. In fact, a lot of people think infomercials are simply tacky, but they can be a very effective means to sell you. Use an infomercial to tell your personal story and show why your services are desirable versus a competitor's. Use satisfied customer testimonials, illustrate how you can be a problem solver, and utilize satisfied customer feedback.

If you show clients how you can solve problems, you stand out from the competition By marketing yourself, you become a force to compete with in a very crowded industry. Whether your mortgage marketing campaign needs a little cosmetic work or a full makeover, marketing to REALTORS and clients becomes easy when you stand out from the crowd. Just by implementing a few simple changes you can do just that.

Jeffrey Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by getting referrals from real estate agents.

Click here to get a free Video Book. It shows Jeffrey's exclusive marketing solution for getting clients from real estate agents in as little as 30 days.

Visit us at http://www.AgentMagnet.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Creating a massive web presence with article marketing is really not that difficult. It's quite do-able if you are willing to invest the time and energy.

Once one of your articles goes viral you have begun to build a web presence with that one article.

How to create a massive web presence

Here are some simple steps to take to create a massive web presence with your articles.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article on a topic in your niche.

Step 2 - Submit it first to EzineArticles, the largest article directory with the most traffic.

Step 3 - Submit your article to other top ranked article directories.

Step 4 - Submit your article to niche article directories. You can find these by typing in your keywords into Google or Yahoo followed by the phrase "article directory."

Step 5 - Submit your article to your own article directory in your niche.

Step 6 - Do this over and over again.

Benefits of a massive web presence

Let's say we've got Speaker 1 and Speaker 2, and the meeting planner is trying to decide which one of these speakers to hire. They're equal in skill, they're equal in topic, and they're reasonably equal in fee.

The meeting planner does a little internet search and they find a couple of hits for Speaker 1. But Speaker 2, they do a Google search for their name and find dozens and dozens and dozens and perhaps hundreds of hits because of all the articles they've written.

Which speaker is the meeting planner going to hire?

And you can build the same kind of massive web presence with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Optimizing your website for search engines can be a time consuming and costly process if you don't know what you are doing. Utilize these five search engine optimization tips provided by a professional SEO firm to improve your organic search engine rank.

1. Watch Your Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword is used on a web page compared to the total amount of words on the page. For example, if your web page is 100 words long and you use the keyword "SEO" eight times on this page, the keyword density of the search term, "SEO" would be 8%. When writing content for your website, be sure the keyword density of your content never exceeds 15%. The density you should use varies from source to source, but 15% is generally the highest density any source will suggest.

2. Build Relevant Links

Building links to your website is a time consuming process that is absolutely necessary for high search engine rank. If you don't build links to your website, your search results will reflect with low rankings. However, you should also pay attention to where you are placing your links. The quality of the websites that contain links to your website is taken into account by search engines, as is the relevancy of the website and the web page to your website and your web page. Relevancy is very important. If you're just spamming up unrelated websites with links to your website, search engines are going to catch on and lower your search rank.

3. Use Headers on Web Pages

It is common to see new webmasters bold their headlines and increase their size so that consumers will be sure to notice them. However, there is a much better way to make your headlines, titles, and subheadings visible to consumers, which will also improve your search engine rank. Headers, such as H1, H2, H3, and so on, are used to not only make headlines stick out for consumers, but headers also alter the size of the headlines according to their natural order in the article.

Headers should be used appropriately. While the keyword in the H1 heading will be viewed as the most important header by search engines, it is not savvy to place more than one H1 header on a web page. You can, however, use multiple H2, H3, and so on. Most web pages only get to H3, but try to make it to H6 if possible, without looking like a spammer.

4. Reduce Web Page Loading Time

If your website loads very slowly, consumers are likely to leave your website before they find out why they should stick around. Your website may have images that cause your page to load slowly. Other factors include the amount of code on your website, such as javascript; excessively large web pages or even a slow server can slow your website down as well. For your initial step, you will need to test the loading time of your website, which can be done for free on our website.

5. Write Your Own Content

Copying content is just plagiarism. It wasn't okay in 8th grade and it isn't okay on the internet. Search engines store every web page they come across, so if you copy content from another website and place it on your own website, your search rank is not likely to improve very much. You may see a slight improvement due to an increased amount of content on your website, but this improvement will pale in comparison to the results you can obtain with unique content. If you are not the "writing type," hire a Houston search engine optimization firm to write your content for you.

Andre Zayas is a professionally syndicated author.