Bum Squidoo

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Article Marketing Trumps Potential Online Traffic Generation

Article marketing reaps progressive rewards for small independent businesses online. Along with other opportunities, Article Marketing gets your company name out there, brands your market successful and increases traffic to your website.

Whats the key?

Purpose and Motivation: Innovative purpose generated motivated team players marketing your business with valuable content over the internet. Article marketing changes the business dynamic, bringing success to the forefront with relevant content that draws the readers back to your business.

Aspirations and Achievement: Create a paradigm promoting your business with high-impact content ending with a call to action that brings continual success to your business. Once you create the dynamic that allows your business to focus on a niche, your article marketing can blindly generate targeted traffic with sufficient brand application to get your business noticed.

Fatal Attraction Margins: Greed and insecurity are your biggest enemies on the Article Marketing drive to success. Youre better off to provide well for a narrow niche than to broaden your range and reach no-one. Know your consumer and recognize the niche youve built, allowing that niche to fulfill your needs.

Generate Cash Flow: As a business owner, you not only have a reason to generate cash flow, but a responsibility. Without cash flow and profit your business cannot succeed. Give yourself the freedom to gain ground with financial rewards while acknowledging the value of helping others.

Market your business through article marketing that provides relevant content and a specific call to action bringing your readers back to your business site. Promote your business and give your customers what they want.

Visit http://alistregistry.com for more information about Article Marketing and getting the most from your marketing dollar.

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Fresh Methods to Make Money through Article Marketing

Article marketing is the process of writing and distributing your articles online. It is also one of the most effective ways to make money through the World Wide Web. How? Here are the 4 fresh methods on how you cash in from this marketing strategy:

1. Promote your website. Write articles that talk about your website topic, your products, and the problems that you solve. People who find your articles interesting and useful will be entice to visit your website that can easily lead to increased traffic. As you know, online traffic can easily be converted to money as it can dramatically improve your sales potential.

2. Promote your products. You can also use this technique to promote your products online. Write about your products' features and benefits to entice your potential clients to make a purchase. The key here is to make your content interesting and packed with useful information so online users will trust you and be willing to do business with you.

3. Promote affiliate products. If you are into affiliate marketing and currently looking for ways on how you can better sell your products online, article marketing can be your strongest promotional tool. Write about the topics that are highly relevant to your target niche and promote your affiliate products as solutions to their pressing issues.

4. Expand your email marketing list. Building your email list is one of the best things you can do to grow your online business. Article marketing can help you do that. Just communicate your expertise through your article content so you can build rapport and trust among your target market. If online users see that you are a great source of information, they will most like to subscribe with you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Cold, Ultimate Truth About Article Marketing

The myth of autopilot income from articles is truly a myth. I know I'm going to receive a ton of flak for this, but there's no such thing as truly automated income from article marketing. The reason for that is this: articles lose some of their traffic generation power after some time, you'll have to keep pumping them out to keep your profits coming in. Information is growing exponentially online; if you don't continuously release new content, your traffic will drop.

It's also not good enough to submit five to ten articles a month. Many article marketers simply submit a number of articles similar to that and stop. Totally. They don't see results and they give up! Five to ten articles will never create hundreds of visitors to your websites, you have to be pumping them out in the hundreds to see any "real" traffic.

Go to sites like Ezine Articles. The top writers churn out hundreds and thousands of articles and they are doing it for a reason. Because it works. It works in generating traffic, and it's also a great branding tool. Having hundreds of articles out there is a great credibility weapon.

I don't care if you are marketing affiliate products, an ecommerce store, an eBay store, or selling your own digital products. Article marketing works, but only if you work it. Most people give it a try and declare that it doesn't work. Maybe they are too lazy to write the articles. Well, if you have a bundle of extra cash, you can certainly outsource the articles. But if you don't, you'll just have to keep churning them out. The rewards will be totally amazing.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Web Marketing Made Easy With Ghostwriters

As an online businessperson, if you've never heard of ghostwriters, you surely don't know what you're missing. A ghostwriter can help you make tons of money with your business and you get all the credit! That's what a ghostwriter does. You pay one simple fee and they write articles, press releases, blog posts, and even sales letters for you. The trick is that they don't get the credit. It is work for hire, and you retain all copyrights, so you are able to place your name on the article or other piece and claim it as your own.

The Benefits of Ghostwriters

There are scads of benefits that you gain when you hire a ghostwriter to help you with your articles or other writing needs. One of the most important is that you are able to claim the article as your own. As a matter of fact, many ghostwriters are proficient at mimicking styles, so if you're a writer but just don't have the time to work, you can show them a piece that you have done in the past. They should then be able to craft a new article or other piece and have it match your writing style and tone. Because they are accustomed to article marketing tactics and such, you are able to put the work into their hands and focus on other important aspects of your business.

Should you need a press release to get the word out about your site or blog, a ghostwriter is the perfect person to handle something like this. Ghostwriters are becoming so huge that some of the most popular marketers and even celebrities utilize them. While you may not need anything this complicated, the truth is that you can gain huge success in the online marketing business.

What Can They Do For You?

With web marketing, business people can utilize articles for many different reasons. Articles for your website are very important as they help you with your placement in the search engines as long as they are optimized correctly, which any good ghostwriter can ensure. When you are in web marketing, article marketing campaigns are great, and a ghostwriter can help you craft quality articles to submit to article marketing directories, as well as even submitting them for you. Many business people who have niche websites value ghostwriters very much because of their ability to create quick, great content for these websites.

Ghostwriters are a wonderful resource to marketers or other business people. Should you decide to hire a ghostwriter for your article needs, remember to give them details and outlines of what you want, as well as resource links and even sample articles that you would like to serve as inspiration for your project. These tips and the ones above will really help you get a great ghostwriter and improve your business through the use of one. Good luck with all of your online business ventures!

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Remarkable Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you are like most webmasters who have limited marketing budget, you need to find ways on how you can market your website using cost-effective, and possibly free marketing tools. These days, there are a lot of free promotional methods online. You just need to figure out which ones can give you the most benefits in terms of traffic-generation and in increasing your sales potential. Based on researches and various studies, article marketing is currently the best free promotional method that can guarantee you not only increased page views but higher page ranking as well.

1. Know your target market. Understand their needs and their preferences so you can effectively design your articles to make them more targeted.

2. Know your business. You need to be an expert on your field if you want to succeed in this technique as this method requires you to share knowledge to your potential clients that are highly relevant to your chosen niche.

3. Know your competitors. Identifying the weak points and strengths of your competitors can help you improve your articles so you can easily get ahead of the pack.

4. Know the technique - by heart. Just like in any endeavor, article marketing requires you to arm yourself with valuable knowledge about this amazing marketing tool so you can use it to your advantage. Learn the ins and outs and the tips and techniques that can help you become a better, if not the best article marketer.

5. Know the algorithms of search engines. This is to ensure that your articles will fare well on relevant searches. Learn the elements that are being looked for by major search engines and incorporate them on your content to secure better page ranking.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Learn How To Market On The Internet - By Writing Articles!

It's a well-kept secret. Researching and creating articles for the Internet, particularly if they are related to Internet Marketing itself TEACHES YOU HOW TO MARKET! It's almost like a classroom. Your teachers? Other Article Marketers! The course syllabus? Every tactic, technique and strategy in play in the market today. Here's a synopsis of what you can learn, if you just get busy RESEARCHING and writing articles:

The Writing Process Itself

It's a given that a marketer needs to develop at least SOME basic level of writing skill. Publishing a newsletter to a mailing list, communicating with visitors to your blog, crafting content for your web site; all require command of the English language. That's right, ENGLISH. If you are going to penetrate world markets, you better learn English. It's rapidly developing into not only the language of Science, the language of Air Traffic Control, the language of Medicine, and the language of the diplomatic corps, but also the language of the Internet. Get used to it. It's here to stay.


Sooner or later, if you are to become an Internet Marketer, you are going to have to (gasp) SELL SOMETHING! This requires copywriting skills. Learning how to persuade people. Learning the difference between just spouting facts and figures about your offering and what it's FEATURES and BENEFITS are. Learning how to transport yourself into the mind of your reader. Studying Seduction marketing. Learning how to CLOSE the deal.

The Search Engines

Article marketing, and in particular, it's closely-related cousin, Bum marketing, insists on the development of an intimate knowledge of how the search engines work. Traffic patterns, page rank, silo-structured web site design, the study of how the search engines treat the content of articles, the interrelationships between article directories - all disciplines and areas of study that benefit the Article marketer as well as online marketers in general.

Keyword Research

No self-respecting article marketer can avoid the "K" word: Keyword. I am referring to keyword research, long-tail keywords, keyword tools, keyword tactics, and the psychology of keywords. The road to success in Article marketing winds straight through KWU: KeyWord University. Learn this one skill, and as a crack Article marketer you can write your own success story - in practically ANY arena of online marketing. It's that important.


If an aspiring Internet Marketer came to me and asked "What one skill would you recommend I master first?" I would answer instantly and easily: Become an avid and relentless Article Marketer. You won't regret it!

Steve is a CPA, real estate developer and online entrepreneur. He operates a network of mentoring web sites and has been involved in online marketing since before the web arrived. For a ringside seat at his festivities hit: http://internetmentornews.com

Increasing Your Website Traffic - Three Keys to Identifying Quality Link Placements

The success of your Internet based business enterprise depends significantly on the volume of traffic that you can generate into your site on a regular basis. There are a number of important tactics that you can employ in order to increase inbound website traffic. Towards this objective, there are three keys to identifying quality link placements as part of an overall link building - website traffic development campaign.

The first key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is locating and identifying other websites that market products or services that are compatible to your own. By compatible it is meant you find to find sites that market a product or service that "goes along" with what you are selling or promoting yourself. For example, if you are in the shoe business, you will want to find compatible sites that sell socks ... and so forth.

The next key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is to make sure you avoid so-called link farms. These are website that exist merely to provide links to other sites. In this day and age, a consumer that lands on such a site will click away almost immediately.

The final key to increasing your website traffic through quality link placement is to strive to limit the number of reciprocal links that you offer. In other words, as much as possible, you want to try to get a backlink to your site place somewhere without having a reciprocal link placed on your own site. You want to limit the ability of people visiting your site clicking off somewhere else.

Do you want to learn how to drive massive traffic to your website? Download my free guide here: Traffic Generation Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing. http://www.secretstointernetprofits.com